Vegan Virgin: Day 3

This post is/was written throughout the day (Wednesday Feb. 23)…Day 3 will have a bit more calorie burn in it, than day 1 or 2, so I’m still looking at the 2,500 calorie budget ceiling….and that elusive 100 grams of protein. 

For those just looking for the final numbers, in a PDF format:
click here for the details of vegan day 3 110223

Iron Wife is also having her hair ‘done’ this afternoon…if you asked her, she’d tell you that she looks like the woman in our picture today…and therefore at a ‘critical’ stage…of course if you know her, that’s never true…but…so this half day event typically means heavy lobbying late in the day to go out for dinner…that girl thing of feeling pretty and all…may as well enjoy the good mojo 🙂

Opens in New Window: I Feel Pretty

So, if we’re going out for dinner, I’ll need to be ahead on the protein and not rely on the restaurant…we can always go vegan-friendly, so that may be the smart thing to do, and not test the diet in a less than ideal setting first time out.

So breakfast…ah…that was better…made my normal fruit smoothie, but only drank half of it…rest in the fridge for later, and added a Clif bar…nice…461 calories, still 87 grams of carbs, with 12 grams of protein (10%)…I like those numbers a lot better!…I’m reminded that the Paleo guys actually prefer around a 10% protein level in each meal, even if it’s carb focused around exercise…helps metabolise the carbs in a lot of recent research…so I probably haven’t been as diligent in making sure that happened.

That took me to a late morning run…1:06, 5.6 miles…eeeeasy pace…walking hills…center 3 miles on the local college track to stay flat…still nervous about that hamstring…nothing blew up, seized up, or cramped up, so good!..and about 800 calories, so adds to my 2,000 baseline calorie budget for the day…so 2,800 gives me even a bit more room than the last 2 days.

After the run, the other half of my smoothie, and a protein hit from a seitan sandwich, which gave me a total of 563 calories, 89 grams of carbs, 33.6 grams of protein (23%)…excellent!

One thing that I’ll often do during the day is enter in foods that I’m thinking about eating into the Food Diary, and see how the ‘numbers’ look to me…before I eat it…and take them out if I decide not to…same thing before going out for dinner at a restaurant…generally like to have a plan…don’t always stick to the restaurant plan, but at least I have a plan going in 🙂

so my 3pm checkpoint after a snack of almonds, and some leftover butternut squash ravioli and mushrooms…the apple didn’t make the cut..maybe later…looking really good…_much_ better than Day 1 on the protein:

  • 1,290 calories, 54.9 grams of protein (16%) Vegan Day 3
  • 1,168 calories, 42.4 grams of protein (14%) Vegan Day 2
  • 1,272 calories, 38.3 grams of protein (11%) Vegan Day 1

bit of a snack of peanut butter, jam and 1 slice of Ezekiel bread, and then dinner

Sure enough out for dinner with a newly ‘fluffed’ Iron Wife…beautiful 🙂

My reservation was at …perfect for both Vegan and Paleo types.

Started with the edamame (soy beans) appetizer, half a vegetarian (vegan) roll, and then from the stir-fry bar…what a great idea:

  • Banh Pho (or Sen Lek) – Thin rice stick noodles – vegan
  • Soya (fat-free/vegan) – for protein
  • choice of vegetables from the stir-fry bar
  • teriyaki sauce

Added a beer, and a glass of wine.

Feeling full as I was eating, I took half of the stir fry, and edamame home…estimates of quantities and exact elements, but close enough.

Turned out rather well…when I hit the button to View Daily Report:

  • 2,503 calories, 100.2 grams of protein…yeah! of the numbers really good again


That 1,000 calorie dinner is the next thing to get back under control…I feel full with that many calories in a meal…#3-2 on a scale in my earlier post:

I’m starting to get a handle on what it takes to get the protein into a vegan diet…still fine tuning, but at least I’m getting a better idea on how to get there…my actual longer term, heavy training or weight loss protein numbers are closer to 120-140+ grams a day, but with that my exercise each day is about double of what I’ve done this week, so there’s a bit of room…my challenge has been getting to 100 grams of protein within 2,500 calories on a vegan diet…I should write an article about…actually, I probably just have

…and I still think that a vegan diet does take planning to make sure that it’s as healthy as it can be…and there aren’t a lot of people who are going to look at it as closely as I have…do you think 🙂

I’m thinking that I’ll now fine tune a bit more to look more at the quality of what I’m eating, and start looking at some of the micro elements, leading into my ultimate question:

What Vegan Diet foods are healthier than their Paleo counterparts?

…both diet protocols agree on a few things, and disagree on others:

  • fruit, vegetables very good in both
  • dairy, not so much in both diets
  • legumes, nuts, in general agreement, although Vegan more strongly ‘yes’, Paleo more selective
  • grains, Vegan heavy focus, Paleo discouraged
  • meat and fish…the main area of disagreement
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Vegan Virgin: Day 2

Day 2 was another light exercise day…so a similar 2,500 calorie budget for the day…although I was thinking of shooting closer to 2,000…the final totals on the link…text in the post for more details…PDF format: click here for the details of vegan day 2_110222

…and another shot at my 100 gram + protein initial goal…of course that’s for me…if you have a tiny, perfect, Prius body that whispers along, you’ll need a lot less…to keep my Diesel engine running, I’ve found that I need more protein fuel, particularly for exercise recovery, or if I’m trying to lose weight…that lose fat not muscle thing…although with light workouts this week, not _that_ big a practical issue, so a good week to be going vegan

In looking at the Vegan food pyramid in my day 1 post, I’m finding that there should be more emphasis on protein focused elements of legumes, beans, soy and not on vegetables and fruits…and went looking for another ‘Pyramid’…I like this one from the Mayo clinic that you see here…I think that it shows things in a more proper order of focus…although I’m still having a mental challenge with ‘pushing’ the grains so high…comes from my Paleo days, and their caloric inefficiency.

…of course, with a heavier exercise schedule, and a higher calorie budget it’s easier to get in the amount of protein every day…light exercise or none, it’s very tight for me on a vegan diet, without going over on the calories…having said that, as a Vegan Virgin, and only day 2 of our Vegan Adventure, I can see where I can make adjustments to get where I want to be, until it just becomes a diet habit

…and therefore more properly, I’m finding that I have to be conscious of everything that I eat now to make sure that I’m not using up calories, without adding protein…so always the same diet question, with all foods: Is it worth the calories?

So adjustments that I made on day 2:

  • reduced the peanut butter…I’m thinking that it’s on its way out…I still ‘taste’ the peanut butter an hour later
  • gave Iron Wife a 1/4 of my peanut butter and jelly morning sandwich to cut it 25% 🙂
  • Clif bar at lunch…busy work day, and trying to get in the workouts early, but time got too squeezed…10g protein, 240 calories…vegan
  • got in another snack with seitan around 3pm to kick up the protein a bit…worked well

So by 3pm, I haven’t gotten in my workouts yet, although I’m sitting better than yesterday at:

  • 1,168 calories for the day, 42.4 grams of protein (14%) today Vegan Day 2
  • 1,272 calories, 38.3 grams of protein (11%) yesterday Vegan Day 1
  • a few more work calls to deal with and then a 5pm workout…quite late for me…50 minutes blasting around on the mountain bike and then 30 minutes of yoga with Clara …felt _very_ tight…glad that I got the yoga in…although squeezing it in, my mind never really got relaxed’ although it felt good to get stretched out…total of about 500-600 calories again.

so dinner…main protein hits:

  • white beans on bread as an appetizer…excellent
  • spinach salad the main event with chickpeas…and baked tofu cubed and added to the salad…surprisingly good…and easy
  • butternut squash ravioli with walnuts…excellent

…ended up at 2,424 calories, and 91.2 grams of protein (15%)…once again could have ‘pushed’ up a bit more protein, but was feeling full…since I was exercising late, I had my ‘usual’ small fruit smoothie with banana after the workout, but it was too close to dinner, so should have skipped it since I was feeling full early into dinner, and it added 170 calories with only 1 gram of protein…swapped for any of my protein ‘hit’ foods, and I would have picked up my missing 9 grams of protein for the 170 calories

All the numbers were excellent again when it’s all said and done….total carbs a bit high…total fat and protein a bit low…sodium a hair high still due to the chickpeas…need to look for a lower sodium solution there…but nothing really out of line, and again saturated fats at a very low 3.0% without even trying.

Adjustments Needed

I still need that extra 10-20 grams of protein early in the day…and at least 10 grams with the fruit smoothie first thing in the morning…and since the reading that I’ve done on soy protein powder makes me leery, I’m going to need to find something else.

In the short-term, a Clif bar would do it, although it’s 240 calories for the 10 grams of protein…so I may just cut back the fruit to make room for it…if I can get in my workout in the morning I could do 1/2 a Clif bar before and after the workout, and be there.

This will take the protein pressure off later in the day, and I’d rather have dinner closer to 750 calories than the 1,000 that it’s been in my quest to catch up on the protein…and in looking ahead to eating out at a non-vegan-friendly restaurant, it would be a challenge to make up the protein at dinner, so will need to be ahead rather than behind before dinner.

A big part of this is simply my eating habits up to now…following the Paleo protocol espoused by Friel and Cordain in the Paleo Diet for Athele’s…in a nutshell, it’s carb focused before during and after exercise to fuel the exercise and recovery…makes a lot of sense to me, and works well for me…and then a lean protein focus outside of that window, which on a Paleo diet is easy to do…not so much on a vegan diet…so I need to squeeze in more protein earlier, while still maintaining enough carbs so that workouts and recovery don’t suffer.

I’m looking forward to my exercise days where the workouts are 2-3 hours, my total calorie budget is much higher, and getting in the number of protein grams becomes a lot easier.

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If it kills you, it kills you

Over a lifetime I’ve been stricken with a drive for forward movement…it seems that once I accomplish one goal or a challenge …or not 🙂 …it simply provides a new foundation for the next thing.

On the exercise and training side, it started with a marathon, that turned into 6 marathons, then a triathlon, that turned into an Ironman, that turned into 4 Ironman…with lots of ‘other category’ goals and ‘stuff’ beside it along the way.

…and have had a lot of friends and family over the decades often shaking their heads, and wondering ‘why’, and myself often shaking my head and wondering ‘why’…the constant quest for another goal…something else…just seems that when I climb to a certain level, I can now see something else attainable that I couldn’t see, or couldn’t see as possible, before, so just keep on going…

In the New York Times this past weekend, as part of an article on training memory recall, I saw a quote that says it as well as anything I’ve ever seen:

“There are no limits. There are plateaus, and you must not stay there; you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you.” Bruce Lee


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Vegan Virgin: Day 1

Well, first Vegan Diet day…you’re only a Vegan Virgin once, and today was Day 1…I was referring back to the Vegan Food Guide noted by Iron Daughter in an earlier post, so saved it here for general guidance…so let’s see how it all turned out…here’s the summary…the balance of this post my thoughts going through the day…PDF format:

click here for the details of vegan_day_1_110221

For Day 1, I decided that I would primarily focus on the protein element, see what it takes to get to at least 100 grams of protein, and let the rest fall where it may…and also see if I can also stay at or under 2,500 calories…maybe ideally closer to  2,000…in that quest…planning for a light 500 calorie exercise burn today, so that plus 2,000 calorie baseline gives me a 2,500 planned calorie ‘budget’.

My standard morning fruit smoothie was easy to adjust…removed the SP Complete since it has whey (dairy) protein in it…although that removed 90 calories, it also removed 10 grams of protein…hmmm…so the remaining 14 ounces of Dole Frozen Fruit, 1 tbsp of Udo’s flax-seed oil and 1 medium banana gave me:

Vegan Fruit Smoothie: 442 calories, and 4 grams of protein.

Next up mid-morning was a 380 calorie / 14 grams protein, sandwich:

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (natural from the health food store machine): 190 calories / 8 g protein
  • 1 tbsp fig and ginger jam: 30 calories / 0 protein
  • 2x Ezekiel 4:9 slices of bread (sprouted whole grains, no flour): 160 calories / 6 g protein

Total so far for the day: 18 grams of protein for the day (8% of calories so far), and a total of 822 calories.  The peanut butter at 190 calories was a pretty big calorie hit for the protein value.  My ‘normal’ egg is 77 calories and 6 g of protein, or egg whites, 25 calories and 5 g of protein, and/or 2 ounces of ham for 60 calories and 9 grams of protein.

…I’ll have to watch that I don’t end up as a fat little vegan in my quest for protein 🙂

Took a spin on the mountain bike for just over an hour, nothing too intense, pushed it a bit a few times, just for fun…probably 5-600 calories…on the recovery path from being sick…hopefully…felt good…nice day 65F…oh and if you’ve even wondered if you can comfortably ride a hard-tail mountain bike down the center of railroad tracks for any distance…it’s really not that comfortable…and those railroad ties looked a little worn out going over the trestle…maybe I just need to pedal faster 🙂

So, after exercise, I usually hit some carbs…small smoothie and a sandwich…with a bit of protein, so today that was 450 calories / 92.3 grams carbs / 20.3 grams protein:

  • 8 ounces Dole Frozen Fruit: 80 calories / 0 protein
  • 1 medium banana: 110 calories / 1 gram protein
  • 2x Ezekiel 4:9 slices of bread (sprouted whole grains, no flour): 160 calories / 6 g protein
  • 1 romaine lettuce leaf: 5 calories / .3 grams protein
  • 1 serving (4 slices/52 grams/ 100 calories/13 grams protein) Smart Deli Roast Turkey style ‘something’…first few ingredients: water, wheat gluten, soybean, soy protein isolate…feels a bit odd compared to 3 oz of ham, but close in the numbers…didn’t really want to go to the soy this early, but thought that I should, since the ‘slices’ would be a typical easy, fast lunch/after exercise thing…is it healthier?…not sure…I’ll look at that in more detail as the week goes on, or as part of the recap

So by 3pm, I’m sitting at 1,272 calories for the day, 38.3 grams of protein (11%), so in pretty good shape for the daily goals today…bit low on the protein than typically where I am non-vegan…still chasing that minimum 100 grams of protein today…on the Paleo approach, 6 more ounces of almost any meat or fish gives me 40-50 grams of protein, so easy to get there…and as well I would have been 10-20 grams further along at this point in the day with SP complete in the morning and recovery shake.

….an apple and some peanuts for a  snack before the main event…dinner

I knew that I was behind on the protein, but wasn’t going to angst about it…didn’t just want to hit the ‘soy’…I’m seeing that as a strong vegan trend in my readings, and I think that it’s a bad plan…so my primary protein was going to come from seitan and chickpeas…and I knew that I’d feel full as I got in the 750-1,000 calorie range for dinner.

Turned out fine…most of the items in the summary at the beginning of this post, were approximations from the database rather than going through the time of creating an exact specific food for stuff that wasn’t listed…like the chips were actually ‘baked lentil chips’ so probably better ‘numbers’ than the pita chips that I put down…added 2 Tums to get in the calcium 🙂

…ended up at 2,486 calories, and 89.7 grams of protein (14%)…’could’ have got in more protein from chickpeas, but was already running high on calories…and didn’t want to run over on calories, so decided that a nice glass of wine, and a half piece of chocolate cake (Amy’s), would be more fun…so the numbers that I were tracking all looked very good…a few notable things:

  • saturated fats at only 2.8% without even trying,, so excellent
  • excellent carbohydrate and fat sources
  • iron from the spinach and chick peas excellent
  • very low in simple sugars

So what do I think?

Not bad for a first day 🙂 …not sure about that Smart Deli Roast Turkey style soy ‘something’, although it’s easy…the seitan…sauteed dry pan…was surprisingly good…thinking maybe with a stir fry instead of in my spinach salad…chickpeas in the salad, a good add for protein, and texture…although overall calories can climb pretty rapidly, and as I’ve noted, getting in enough protein does take some planning.

I haven’t looked at the more micro levels of lysine and methionine…still need to work on the more macro level of total protein first.

In terms of adjustments, I don’t think that the peanut butter is worth the calories…and the guacamole and hummus are marginal as well…there are better choices…and I still think that the protein focus needs better planning to get it in earlier in the day…and eating more than a slice or 2 of bread feels weird to me…not sure about this _heavy_ grain focus in the Vegan diet.

Sodium also ended up high…predominantly from the seitan, chickpeas, and artichoke hearts…so something to watch.

On an interesting note, on my first day as a Vegan, one of my Tri Buddies sent me an invitation to …apparently a ‘bachelor party’…guys only…seminars/restaurants/entertainment…pay your hotel (Bally’s) at a special rate…’registration’ is free courtesy of the sponsors…in Las Vegas May 19-22…who knew that being Vegan would ‘instantly’ expand my social network 🙂

So my fundamental question at the end of the week will be: Is a Vegan diet healthier than a Paleo one?…or more properly, what Vegan elements make sense incorporating into my daily diet because they are healthier alternatives to their Paleo counterparts…stay tuned

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Me eat Paleo.

Paleo Diet To-Do List:

– Buy Paleo Diet for Athletes book – DONE

– Go grocery shopping – DONE

– Figure out what this Paleo diet is all about – ERRRR… WORKING ON IT!

I am not going to pretend that I’m going to turn into a nutritionist over night with this little exercise. As long as I have been a Vegan, I don’t think I have counted a calorie – and in truth, the ‘science’ of the Paleo diet to me is a tad overwhelming. I also admit that I am no Vegan Mother Theresa. While I would say 75-80% of my diet can be found in nature, I would guess that there’s about 20-25% that can be found at the 7-11. It’s not ideal, and certainly not advised, so I look forward to focusing on new, interesting recipes and not as much on bad habits this week. I also look forward to getting away from my faux-meat/faux-dairy ‘crutches’ (Tofurkey, Soy Cheese, Soy Milk…)- as delicious, and often nutritious, as they are… I’m excited to remind myself that the food earth produces in 1-step is just as delicious and probably a lot more nutritious.

So my approach this week is to compare and share the ‘lived’ differences between my former Vegan-ish diet and my new Palio-ish diet. In the end I hope I can take the ‘best’ of the Paleo diet philosophy, and integrate it into the ‘best’ of my Vegan lifestyle. I can already begin to see some advantages, but also some things I am really really going to  struggle with.

The Similarities

– A focus on fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, oils and nuts/seeds.  Food as it’s meant to be.

– No dairy. Luckily, this means Paleo is not going to be as much of a struggle as it might be for some.

The Differences

– Paleo eliminates most carbs (except just before/during/after exercise for athletes, in limited amounts). THIS is going to be a big challenge (the sushi restaurant across the street knows my order by heart)

– Heavy focus on fish and meat, and in particular game meat. I eat a bit of fish (mostly salmon, halibut, cod, shrimp).. but can’t digest the thought of meat for some reason. I have nothing against it, but I started reading the recipes and it just doesn’t sit right. I am going to stick with just fish for this week, and eggs as a proverbial olive branch in the ‘uncomfortable’ direction.. but meat is probably not on the grocery list unfortunately

– Limits placed on the veggie and fruit list, as well as some oils, vinegar, salt, and peanuts – something about alkalinity? Who knows. I’ll just follow the recipes.

The Approach

– Exercise is ramping up a bit this week , as I start to integrate cycling into my training schedule (have only been running so far). I will have to be a LOT more prepared with my food, and figure out what the heck someone eats before exercise if it’s not oatmeal or toast (my go-to’s)..

– I will be entering my daily food intake into just for kicks.. and perhaps next week compare it to my Vegan diet to see where the gaps are

– I will attempt to make almost all my meals this week; since I wouldn’t even know where to start with take-out. Might try a restaurant on the weekend just for the experience.. TBD

My Thoughts on VeganDad

– Good luck!


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Protein & Amino Acids: My Vegan Plan

Further to my post: …although other elements come into play in going vegan, like B12, iron, and other nutrients, for time and space I’m going to leave that for another day…

so protein…well, there are literally billions of words written about protein and the vegan diet…and tied together is the discussion of amino acids.  Protein is made up of long chains of amino acids, and therefore a particular protein is determined by the amino acid ‘ingredient blend’. 

I’ve included some links in this post…not so much the most ‘authoritative’ ones that I have, but rather ones that addressed a particular point without being too overwhelming.

…I particularly like this chart where you enter in your ideal weight or actual height, and it calculates the protein and amino acids that you need, and the foods that have them…very nice starting point:

Without getting into the minutia of the difference in ‘numbers’ that you’ll see, there are currently 20 or more amino acids, 8-10 (depending on how you classify them) of which are referred to as ‘essential’ since they can’t be manufactured by the body, and therefore need to be consumed in food…and fundamental to your body functioning properly: 

The reason that this is important in a discussion of a vegan diet is that meat and fish protein already contain the percentage balance of amino acids found in human proteins, and are therefore called ‘complete’ or ‘high-quality’…in the vegan diet, soy has the same ‘complete’ amino acid structure, with legumes being close…non-soy plant proteins have a lower percentage of at least one essential amino acid, so in summary: “legumes are lower in the amino acid methionine while most other plants foods are lower in lysine”   

A more specific way to look at it:

  • Grains (lacking in lysine): brown rice, rye, wheat, cornmeal, barley, millet, oats, buckwheat
  • Nuts and Seeds (lacking in lysine): walnuts, cashews, almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds
  • Legumes (lacking in methionine): beans, peas, lentils, garbanzos (chickpeas)

…and just to make a note of it, vegetables and fruit are both lousy sources of either lysine or methionine…and protein in general…so you can’t just ‘go vegan’ and be healthy by only eating your veggies and fruit shakes…sometimes ‘leafy greens’ are pointed to as good protein sources…the trick is that they may have a high ‘percentage’ of calories as protein, but since their calorie value is low, it takes a ‘ton’ to get any protein…okay not a ton…but 4 cups of spinach (20 calories) gives you 2 grams of protein…3 ounces of beef tenderloin (200 calories) gives you 23 grams of protein…3 ounces of tuna (100 calories) 20 grams…to be equivalent, you’d need to eat 40 cups…figuratively a ton 🙂 …of spinach to get 20 grams of protein…so that’s not a good primary basis for protein in a vegan diet

In a further point, in a 2009 a joint position paper on nutrition and athletic performance, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and Dietitians of Canada recommend:  

“Because plant proteins are less well digested than animal proteins, an increase in intake of approximately 10% protein is advised (Iron Dad note: over the recommendations for non-vegetarian athletes). Therefore, protein recommendations for vegetarian athletes approximate 1.3–1.8 g/kg/day (Iron Dad note: vs 1.2 to 1.4 g/kg/day for non-vegetarian athletes).”

…and the vegan diet tends be lighter in protein (10-12%) than non-vegetarians (14-18%)

So into more detail with the amino acid makeup of protein…in the vegan diet…”soy r us” in terms of ‘complete protein’…and then a wide ‘variety’ of legumes and non-soy plant foods to even out the deficiency that one food may have, that is picked up by another…particularly shortfalls in amino acids, lysine and methionine.

…and although soy is a more rounded protein, there’s quite a bit written ‘cautioning’ about too much soy…a soy-positive slanted article:, and one slanted the other way: …and one attempting to be balanced, but still leans moderated-soy: …soy ‘isoflavones’ appear to be particularly bad.

…so I’m left thinking that the protein ‘question’ in a vegan diet, although often defensively dismissed by vegan proponents in what I’ve read, is a legitimate thing to be aware of…seems to me that if you don’t ‘watch’ the protein and plan for it, it’s too easy to be short or out of balance…and particularly if you’re also short on overall calories…double jeopardy…the idea here is to eat healthy correct?

So why not just eat meat and fish, get your protein and be done with it?…well the vegan proponents have many reasons…aside from the ethical vegan focus on animal rights…a couple of primary ones:

  • …although a ‘complete’ protein, meat in particular can carry with it high levels of saturated fats…so in my experience ‘lean’ meats and fish only, if you want to keep saturated fats at 3-5% (7% the generally regarded red-line)…throw in a rib-eye steak, or hamburger, or ribs, or chicken wings, and watch the numbers explode through the top.
  • …and links to cancer, and other bad stuff

Suffice to say with all of it, that it’s an imperfect world when it comes to diet, and that if you do any reading, you can find a scientific study to ‘prove’ anything on any side of an argument.

Vegan Protein

So what am I left with? …on my vegan diet week, I’m going to work in some soy but limit it, so that’s going to make it more challenging:

If you are going to eat soy, select fermented and food forms of soy, for example tofu, tempeh, and miso. Avoid processed soy products — including soy powders, protein shakes, and other processed forms of soy.

From what I’ve read, it seems to me if I focus on foods that specifically target lysine…for me about 3,000 mg daily…and secondarily methionine…for me about 1,500 mg daily…the rest of the protein equation should fall into place.

…so the early list of foods, that look good to me ( in brackets, 1 serving in mg: L for lysine, M for methionine)…so will need about 6-7 servings to hit the numbers each day…well, throwing in some soy sometimes will help that out…1/2 cup of firm tofu starts me with (582L, 177M) or tempeh (754L, 305M):

  • for lysine, non-soy legumes like: black beans (527L, 197M), chick peas (486L, 193M), lentils (624L, 193M), dry roasted peanuts (410L, 286M), peanut butter (290L, 202M)
  • for methionine, grains like: quinoa(442L, 295M…double winner), corn (232L, 158M),  spaghetti (127L, 292M)…oatmeal (316L, 335M) fits the criteria nicely, but only if desperate

…by comparison…3 ounces of tuna: (1992L, 874M) or 3 ounces of beef tenderloin: (1620L, 500M)…sort of highlights the difference between the amino acid/protein differences in the 2 diets

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Charleston is going ‘hegan’

Tri Buddy David Quick wrote an interesting article for his column in the Post and Courier a few days ago about the “Rise of the ‘hegans'”

I presume that he declined a mention of Pamela Anderson on his notable vegan list since he was focused on the male/meat connection :) 

David notes:

Last year, The Boston Globe even coined another term — “hegan” — to describe the trend of middle-age men who eat a plant-based diet, often to the exclusion of animals and animal byproducts, or veganism, but are disinclined to proselytize or join the ranks of veganism’s often edgy ethos.

Many are doing it more for health reasons than for animal welfare or environmental reasons, though the latter two can be added incentives.

very interesting…and an article that comments on the ‘hegan’ label…apparently it stirred some controversy when initially coined:

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show me the protein

One of the challenges that I see with the Vegan diet is getting enough, and the right types of, protein…or more properly getting it efficiently.

One thing that I like about the “Paleo Diet for Athlete’s” by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel is that a large part of their philosophy is about efficiency of eating…simply put:

‘is it worth the calories’

Woven throughout their book is that some foods just aren’t worth it…their nutrient value is too low compared to the caloric value, or simply that there are better choices…and use that as the basis for limiting most dairy and grains…and for promoting lean meats and fish as your primary protein source.

Here’s their take on it as it relates to protein (page 72-73):

To get 108 grams of protein from animal sources:

  • 4 ounces of cod
  • 6 ounces of turkey breast
  • 4 ounces of chicken

Those foods (also) contain 44.5 grams of the all-important amino acids…the total energy eaten to get these nutrients would be 454 calories.  To get the same amount of protein by combining grains and beans, (he) would have to eat all of the following in one day:

  • 1 cup of tofu
  • 1 cup of kidney beans
  • 6 slices of whole wheat bread
  • 1 cup of navy beans
  • 1 1/2 cups of corn
  • 1 cup of red beans
  • 1 cup of brown rice
  • 2 bagels
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

Our athlete had better like beans and have a huge appetite!  The above requires eating an additional 2,300 calories that day…eating grains and legumes to get daily protein is not only very inefficient, but, far worse, the (vegan) athlete will come up short on essential amino acids…even if he can stomach all those beans and grains.

So even recognizing that their example is skewed a bit to make their point…whenever I see these types of analysis I always remember the title of an old book that I read…”How to Lie With Statistics“…so to ‘keep them honest’, I entered their examples into my food diary…the vegan example is actually a full day’s worth of meals…and as a side note, actually at 2,500 calories well over my 2,000 calorie baseline without exercise:

  • 2,538 calories
  • 15% fat (45.1 grams)/ 66% carbs (434.2 grams) / 18% protein (119.3 grams)
    • the example is a bit high on carbs, low on fats still…and I’m sure that the Vegan experts can come up with a better protein example

Whereas, the lean meat/fish example is just the primary protein part of the daily non-vegan diet:

  • 567 calories
  • 27% fat (17.6 grams) / 1% carbs (2 grams) / 71% protein (102.8 grams)
    • the other 2,000 calories would need to be just about all carbs and some fat to be balanced

…it does however, go to one of my key ‘concerns’ about eliminating lean meats and fish entirely from my diet…you would need to be _extremely_ balanced and careful to get in enough fat and protein in every meal…every day…to get in the proper balance of fat/carb/protein on a Vegan diet, without going way over the top on calories to try to ‘catch up’ at the end of the day if you’re short somewhere.

In tracking my food intake for a long, long time on I generally find that on a daily basis:

  • My target protein intake is over 108 grams per day…and even more during heavier workout weeks:
  • my saturated fat almost always well below the 7% ‘cut-off’ recommendation by many sources
  • my trans fats almost always 0
  • my Iron, Vitamin A and C, all typically 200%+ of daily recommended levels

So I’ll be taking a hard look at the protein, amino acid, iron, B12 and other associated elements of my Vegan diet this week, and see what it actually takes to get there

…I’m not expecting that I’ll end up on a Vegan diet a week from now…I do expect to get some good ideas on how to incorporate more veggies into my diet mix, and maybe find some other food elements that I may have otherwise overlooked

…and since I now find that I’m on the short end of my protein target on many days, and therefore add it at dinner at the end of the day, maybe some protein elements in a Vegan diet that I can work into the mix…stay tuned 🙂

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ethical vs dietary vegans

Further to my earlier post this morning…I was just going to edit that one, but since it’s been up there a while:

…the correct ‘technical’ terms for ‘diet’ vs ‘animal rights activism’ vegans:

Ethical vegans reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose, while dietary vegans or strict vegetarians eliminate them from the diet only.

…oh alright, I had an extra Pam Anderson picture that I wanted to use somewhere…from her 2010 PETA ad campaign…banned in Canada…go figure 🙂

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My Thoughts on a Vegan “Diet”

Although I’ve never been on a Vegan diet, I’ve been _around_ it for years, as 2 out of 3 of my kids are/were on a strictly Vegan diet for over/almost 10 years…including of course, Iron Daughter as eloquently summarized in her recent post:

…may have truly been that backlash to too many hamburgers at McDonald’s and too many chicken wings at Jack Astor’s as youngsters 🙂

And since Iron Daughter opened the Pamela Anderson door…here she is again…and in a stroke of luck to validate the use of her picture, her t-shirt actually goes to the theme of this post

So for a quick summation, a Vegan diet excludes anything with eyes, or anything that comes from anything with eyes…so obviously anything that contains meat, fish, dairy, but also in the strictest interpretation, excludes anything that contains honey by way of example

For me, I wrote an earlier post that summarizes some of my dietary reading and thinking:

For a quick summary, my ‘typical’ day goes something like this, although variable depending on the timing and length of exercise during the day…so a non-exercise day sort of baseline:

  • morning always: fruit smoothie with 14oz Dole Frozen Fruit, banana, 1 tbsp flax-seed oil, 1 tbsp protein powder (SP Complete) with water…makes 2x16oz cups
  • late morning or early lunch always: egg white or sometimes egg (microwaved) with Ezekiel bread, 2-3oz of lean ham/turkey/chicken + cheese rarely
  • snack usually: almonds
  • sometimes additional late lunch: lean meat snack / 1-2 fig cookies
  • snack if hungry: fruit / apple
  • dinner: large spinach salad with dried fruits and nuts, and main protein hit of lean meat or fish + misc veggies
    • rarely/never cook with butter, or use butter on bread…olive oil or Pam or grilled or broiled

So a lot of ‘Vegan’ diet elements already…the main adjustment will be the ‘protein’ component.

So as I embark on a Vegan week, here are my early thoughts:

  • ‘Vegan’ generally feels more about animal rights activism than a healthy diet from what I’ve seen
  • Therefore, a lot of compromises are made to ‘substitute’ ingredients for the ‘better’ meat/fish alternatives
  • Being Vegan does make you a _lot_ more aware of what you eat, which is a very good thing
  • Although not eating something that contains honey because it came from a bee, goes to point #1
  • So I think that it’s important to separate out the ‘diet’ part from the ‘animal rights activism’ part

and the positive elements of the Vegan ‘diet’ I think would do a lot better without the drumbeat of the ‘animal rights activism’ part…to me they are separate issues

…if one feels that eating meat and fish and dairy is unhealthy, or more properly that there are better, healthier food choices, for me, I think that’s worthy of some thought and consideration

…if although the argument is that one should not eat meat or fish or dairy primarily because “animals should be viewed as non-human persons and members of the moral community, and should not be used as food, clothing, research subjects, or entertainment“…I have a hard time agreeing that I should eat a less healthy diet for the sake of the animals

…and probably that a discussion of animal use for “clothing, research subjects or entertainment” should be outside the scope of a discussion of the “food” element, which has a direct impact on my health and well-being

…and is therefore a reverse scenario…I think that ‘animal rights activism’ by definition ‘should’ by default include a ‘Vegan’ diet…I don’t think that a ‘Vegan’ diet ‘should’ by default include ‘animal rights activism’…and goes to my point #5 above

…so does a Vegan ‘diet’ actually stand on its own merit as a valid diet protocol…if you take away the ‘animal rights activism’ element almost always intertwined?

…I suppose that’s what we’ll be discovering and discussing

Lots more to come this weekend and next week…and I’m sure that we’ll hear from the other side as Iron Daughter weighs in 🙂

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Vegan / Paleo switch begins Monday, Feb. 21-27

Watch for more details over the weekend

…and/or join in for something different 🙂

Here are the 2 books that I’m using for recipe ideas and guidance:

Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life

The Vegan Table: 200 Unforgettable Recipes for Entertaining Every Guest at Every Occasion

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achy yesterday…but I’d rather feel the pain…

Woke up feeling achy yesterday…so what’s with that?…another ‘new’ symptom…started with a sore throat a week and a half ago, that morphed into congestion and a cough, and as that diminished, bit of a light cough, and my back was just feeling achy yesterday…bit head-achy when I cough…the weird thing is that through all this, I have a normal temperature: 98.1F mid-day…go figure…

So not sure what’s really going on…hoping that it’s my body giving it a final surge to finish off the final bastion of germs that have appeared elusive to deal with…and if there’s a resurgence from the Dark Side, I guess I’ll break down and find a doctor to tell me that I have a cold.

I don’t like to take anything…like never…like no Tylenol or cold medicine, or…well anything…I always prefer to feel the pain and not mask it…I figure that pain and/or feeling lousy is there for a reason…sort of back to that listening to your body thing…can’t really listen to it if you’ve got it on mute 🙂

Having said that if I’m _really_ sick, I’m not anti-medicine, so will take my ‘medicine’ diligently…

The good news out of it, is that I’ve had a very productive work week, with the follow-up tasks from my convention, so lots of good stuff going on…although poorly timed coughing spells during online conferences have been a little inelegant…

Feeling better this morning…’morning cough’ but appears more clearing than persistent…I’m thinking a short yoga session today to get things moving a bit, and _maybe_ a short spin around town on the mountain bike…it’s supposed to be 74F today…not ready to declare victory yet, but the trend is positive 🙂

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so when to get back on the training wagon…

still nursing a persistent cough through yesterday…although improved…only every once in a while…much better last night than the night before and definately better than the night before that…so a positive trend…a few GI issues this morning…hopefully it’s not morphing into something else…so I’ll give it another day…

…walked 2 miles 2 days ago…took another day off yesterday…waiting…looking for the end to that last coughing series…and to feel ‘good’ again…impatient…yet patient…I _really_ don’t like being sick or injuried…and rarely am…reading my earlier posts so that I don’t fatten up too much without the exercise balance:

and reminding myself that it is mid-February…I need to be in fighting form by April 1st, for the 3 month ramp up for the Vancouver Half Iron, on July 3…so I have 6 weeks to heal, and get back to a decent fitness level…training to train 🙂

…so I’m thinking that I’d better come out clean and away from these ‘issues’, than push too hard too early, and fall backwards…a word of encouragement from Patrick McCrann from Endurance Nation:

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United Airlines: Friendly skies?

Having written a post about our flight that made an unscheduled stop in Denver en route to Chicago:

…turns out that United recognized the flight was below service expectations, and did reimburse passengers with a $50.00 e-coupon each for the hassle…and as long as they were able to hear and understand the one-time announcement over the PA system on the plane…and write down or remember the URL that you were to go to…

…however having said that, and to be balanced, our bags did arrive at the house around 2:30 in the afternoon the following day…and other than being a bit tired, and the cough coming back a bit, none the worse for the wear…so I’ll give United their due for the gesture…it appears that they did stop using the ‘fly the friendly skies’ slogan in 1996

…although I can’t help but think of our fellow passengers that were going to risk missing their cruise departure out of Miami…apparently an issue on being able to get them on another flight the next day that would get them there in time

…I’m left with a picture in my mind of the group of them in a Dragon Boat trying to catch up to the cruise ship…hope they made it by the time I’m writing this post

…when you think you have it bad, there’s always somebody else worse off

…having said that, I guess at the shear end of that trail, there is always somebody in the world that _truly_ is worse off than everyone else on the planet…I doubt however, it’s because they missed their flight…or their cruise…most of the ‘problems’ that we have are pretty high-class problems compared to the rest of the world 🙂

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Vegan/Paleo Diet Swap Week: Feb. 21-27

Looks like we’re on:

Vegan/Paleo week Feb. 21-27

…the idea is for the vegan/vegetarian leaning group (Team Captain Iron Daughter) to go more ‘Paleo’, and the ‘Paleo’ group (Team Captain Iron Dad) to go Vegan

…details and ideas, bricks and bouquets about both diets to be announced…and be sure to weigh in with your own commentary 🙂

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