Happy Valentine’s Day!

Alright…we get started again…tomorrow 🙂

This past 3 weeks has been a bit ragged…sore throat and cold…recovery in time for the convention last weekend through this past Tuesday…overlapped by another sore throat / congestion this past week…rats…so exercise has been a few light runs, and lots of walking.

The convention break was planned…the sore throat/congestion ‘bookends’ around the convention was not…so we adjust…and hopefully that hamstring issue has fixed itself in there somewhere, so some extra rest not really a bad idea…interesting how the body ‘tells’ us stuff…not sure it was ‘smart’ enough to lay in the double sore throat and congestion thing to keep me off the hamstring…would be _very_ interesting if that was the body plan.

Flight day from the dark side yesterday…the flight pulled over in Denver on the way from San Francisco to Chicago…somebody sick apparently…I knew it was a bad sign when the stewardess asked if there was a doctor on board…I immediately though of this scene out the movie Airplane!…and started calculating how long it had been since I flew an airplane 🙂

or click here if you can’t play the video within the Post

…then cleaning crews required to deal with the aftermath of the turbulent ride into Denver as the pilots dive-bombed for the runway…and then mechanical problems in Denver…3 hours of sitting in the plane on the Denver tarmac…quite a few of the 300 fellow passengers were pretty ‘irritated’…missed connections to Europe, big group connecting to Miami going on a cruise…not any more…fun day in the skies…did get back home though on the last flight of the day…which was running late, which is why we were still able to get it…so that was the minor good news in there…oh and did I mention none of our 3 bags had made it…’delayed’ baggage line at 1:30 in the morning…and finally into bed by 3am…can’t be good for that final illness recovery…sigh…obviously my last post a premonition:


All behind me now of course…busy busy work time, but at least without the hard, convention date deadlines, so time to get diet and exercise back on track…and ramp back in as gently as my overzealous personality will permit…of course offset by a body that is all too willing to throw in warning shots when I overdo it…

I’m thinking a nice cold, vodka martini tonight to kill any last germs…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Posted in Dad's Blog Posts, Exercising when sick, Recovery | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The golden age of flying…gone :(

Flying out to the west coast yesterday for my convention this weekend, I am reminded that the golden age of flying is long gone.  Cramped, low on service, high on irritation, I did nonetheless arrive on time, with my bags…our expectations have been driven so low, that we’re pleasantly surprised, if not a bit shocked, when these minimum service standards are actually met.

Reminded me of an article that I read last year about Ryanair introducing ‘vertical seating’ in the last 10 rows of their airplanes, and charging for restroom privileges…I can hardly wait for my first standing room only flight…sounds weird, but if you plot the trend, it’s definitely the next logical step for the airlines…

Click here for the article and newscast video

…well off to my meetings today, and that earning a living thing 🙂

…oh and will get in a short easy walk/run to check out the hamstring

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Listening to your body is an interesting topic Irondad brings up today for two reasons… 

Fellow Vegan Canadian - Pam Anderson

1- I stayed home from work today to nurse a sore throat.. and now I’m coming up with a billion excuses on why I shouldn’t go to my run clinic tonight. Well mostly just one actually, the sore throat – but about.com advises this:  

“Slow down if you have above-the-neck symptoms like a scratchy throat or runny nose. It’s probably safe to workout, but you should cut back, as you don’t want to overdo it when you have a cold. Your body needs plenty of rest in order to repair itself.” 


I guess the good news is my training at this point wouldn’t qualify as ‘overdoing’ it by any stretch of the imagination.. so I think this is going to be a hard one to argue. Not going to work and infecting my co-workers was an easy one to justify, but 30 minutes of exercise probably won’t hurt. 

2 – Since I worked from home, I also watched Oprah for the first time in a loooonng time. Also interesting that the episode profiled Oprah and her staff on a 1-week vegan-diet challenge.  


I have been following a Vegan diet for almost 9 years now. I gave up meat on my first day of University in an effort to avoid the typical Freshman 15.. and in my 2nd year I went completely Vegan (no meat, fish, chicken, animal products – butter, eggs, cheese… none of it) .  Growing up on every form of meat and dairy possible (we’re Polish), I’m surprised at how easy the transition was for me. I pretty much went ‘cold turkey’ so to speak and haven’t really looked back. 

My Vegan ‘personality’ like my Ironman training is pretty relaxed (although it’s probably absurd to most to define myself as a ‘relaxed’ Vegan Ironman… ). I am not a member of PETA, I don’t carry spray paint in case I come across a fur coat, and I do (now) purchase leather shoes because I find they last (and smell) a lot better. I also shop almost entirely at normal grocery stores without issue (Safeway, IGA, local produce stands etc.) My older brother Jon, who is also a Vegan, is probably a bit more right-wing on the Vegan continuum and will often police my Vegan behaviour…to each their own. When I first became Vegan, I argued all the arguments in the Vegan bible because I didn’t know any different. Now I think it just feels right for me. I’m healthy, my iron levels are normal (low, but normal), I can eat well when I’m out at restaurants with non-Vegans without making people feel uncomfortable eating steak, I haven’t experienced any complications and I enjoy knowing more about my food than the average person. 

Fast forward 7 or so years when I started training for Ironman.  I decided that it was probably the right time to consult a professional dietician, to ensure I was getting all the nutrients I needed for training.  Removing the whole ‘vegan difference’, my dietician Christina Sutter (http://www.satoriintegrativehealth.com/dietitian)  evaluated and adjusted my diet to suit my training and energy needs. I was surprised at how supportive she was of the Vegan diet, and how easy it seemed to accommodate 10-15 hours of training without getting terribly complicated with diet. Probably a good idea for anyone – Vegan, Omnivore or otherwise – to check-in with a pro before embarking on an intense training schedule. She also said I should be taking a daily multi-vitamin – not just because I’m Vegan, but also because I’m a woman and apparently it’s near impossible to get enough calcium and iron as a woman in general. 

One resource I continue to go back to over the years is a North Vancouver athlete – Brendan Brazier (http://www.brendanbrazier.com/). Brendan is an ultra-marathon champion, an Ironman triathlete, and now is one of the most authoritative voices in the world on how to be a healthy and successful vegan endurance athlete. His line of literature (Thrive Diet), and range of products – known as Vega – is all Vegan, entirely natural, mostly raw and supports an endurance lifestyle.  Even I find some of his recipes a bit out there – but none-the-less delicious and of course SUPER healthy. You can probably find the Vega product line (mostly endurance sport nutrition products) in any Whole Foods-type store these days.. or modern nutritional stores. 

One of his most recent publications is Thrive Fitness – The Vegan-Based Training Program for Maximum Strength, Health, and Fitness (http://www.brendanbrazier.com/book/thrivefitnesshome.html). Interesting read for Vegans and non-vegans alike. 

I am not standing on my organic vegan soapbox preaching a meatless/dairyless lifestyle.. it’s definitely not for everyone. I thought the Oprah show shed some really interesting light on the pros and cons of both the diet and lifestyle (not necessarily the same); and obviously spread the idea to an enormous international audience. What I didn’t really like about the episode was the Vegan ‘advocate’ on the show. While she did her best to promote freedom of choice, and ‘easing’ into the lifestyle slowly, I got the sense she came from the very right side of the Vegan-personality continuum which I believe is what scares most people off from Veganism in the first place.  

Why can’t you be Vegan just because it  feels good, you know so much more about your food, and it can help performance? Brendan Brazier and the Thrive-diet certainly operate from that philosophy. 

And on the theme of ‘listening to your body’ – this summer I started to integrate a little bit of fish into my diet. Nothing crazy… still no meat or dairy… but something told me I really wanted salmon and so I ate it. No biggie. The Vegan police aren’t after me (unless you count my brother). I don’t know how long this craving will last, or even being Vegan for that matter. 

So maybe now I’m Vegan-ish. 

But who cares. Eat from any diet you choose.. as long as it makes you feel good, supports your goals, and supports a healthy lifestyle overall. 

A few things you might consider if Vegan intrigues you: 

  • Do some reading.. there are tons of resources out there online. I like the Thrive Diet/Brendan Brazier approach as a triathlete.. but there are many Vegan/Raw/Organic philosophies out there.. find what works for you
  • Don’t try to be a Vegan hero overnight. One suggestion Oprah had today was Meatless Mondays – give it a try! Read up on some great, no-meat, iron-filled recipes at http://vegweb.com/ – it’s has both Veggie and Vegan recipes.. and offers pretty much anything you can dream of, including alternatives to your favourites. It’s all user-tested and rated.. so you can also read some great feedback on the recipes.
  • Read your labels. I guarantee you will be shocked by how much meat/dairy makes it into your diet unknowingly. Dairy, especially, is in everything (not to mention other strange ingredients that you can’t pronounce)
  • Let me know how it goes! I am not an expert, but I’d be happy to share my experiences and tips and vice-versa

Now I should probably head to my run club :) 



p.s. one of my favourite Simpson’s clips on being a Level-5 Vegan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtuMIaOGRy8  

p.p.s. A few other favourite resources: 

REALLY simple Vegan cookbooks that I use all the time: http://www.govegan.net/ 

Vegan food pyramid: http://greenplanetethics.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/veganfoodguide.jpg

Posted in Daughter's Blog Posts, Exercising when sick, Nutrition | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Listen to your body

Iron Buddy Anne sends this along today…great reminder especially for us ‘Masters’ athletes…you weren’t thinking of Iron Dad when you read it were you? 🙂

…thanks Anne!

This is a quote in today’s paper in an article by David Quick, from Dara Torres, who is an Olympic class swimmer in her 40’s. I love the “listen to your body”…that’s my mantra.  You can’t just follow a rigid training plan or simply use a personal trainer, especially as you get older. If you try to follow an in inflexible training schedule, despite how you feel, you are going to get injured or burn out.

 So, that’s my lecture for the day.

 Go, Dara!

Here’s the Article:

She urges middle­age and older people to find something active to do and to use one guiding principle that she uses every day: “Listen to your body,” she says.

“As you get older, you need more time to recover from workouts. Gauge how you feel. Set goals,” she says, add­ing, “You don’t have to put an age limit on your dreams.”

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First outside bike ride in 2 months!

Ah, good to be back on the bike outside, on a rare 60F winter day…beautiful!

Decided that my mountain bike was the perfect vehicle for an outdoor spin in over 2 months…pumped up the tires, lubed the chain, and out the door for 1:30 of joyful riding…really _weird_ but great to be ‘steering’ the bike again after a couple of months on the indoor trainer 🙂

Ran a few errands, then rolled over to the Davidson 8K cross-country trail for a spirited 24 minutes through the hilly forest terrain.

The picture isn’t from today, but rather one that reminded me of a day a few years ago that I spent with my son riding ‘downhill’ mountain bikes at Whistler with a buddy of his…both on the National Snowboard Team then, so their idea of downhill mountain biking is push-off from the top, and see you at the bottom…and yeah they knew this was my first time out on a downhill mountain bike…and probably the first time on a mountain bike in 20 years at the time…yeah, let’s see what dad’s got…

If you’re not familiar with downhill mountain biking, you rent a very heavy, $5,000, high performance, full suspension bike at the bottom of what-used-to-be-ski-runs-in-the-winter, and then get on the gondola with your bike…get whisked to the top of the mountain, select the steepest and gnarliest downhill trail that’s still legally open…and been modified for the hard-core downhillers…push-off, and LET IT ALL HANG OUT.

This picture would have been a perfect re-enactment of the point, just before I crashed at the bottom of a 30 foot ‘cliff’…my thought process perfectly captured in my post from a few days ago:

…about as steep as you see…light drizzle on the day just to make things slippery and interesting on the rocks…more like a bottoming-out-then-short-out-of-control-speed-wobble-then-crash…ribs hurt for a month…but only when I was breathing…still rode the rest of the day of course…even the young lads ended up splayed on the ground from time to time…great fun…note to self: get the full body armor package next time 🙂

The one thing that I’ve probably enjoyed the most about ‘being in shape’ is that I actually get to do stuff like that…and can…not only with my adult ‘kids’ but also when I want to…like even today…more modest, but a quick ride through the forest, pushing a few hills, spinning through the mud, skidding a few turns…laughing out loud…big smile I’m sure…priceless.

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Busy Work / Light Exercise week…TGIF!

It’s been a _very_ busy work week and I’ve had a lingering cold, that now appears almost gone…good news…so I used the double opportunity to have a _very_ productive work week…and decided to take it easy on the exercise thing, and plan to pick it up Saturday through Wednesday again, before flying out to the west coast for my convention on Thursday

…I don’t _feel_ stressed…just pressing through to get everything done that I want to have done…but I ‘know’ that I’m under stress…busy work thing…lingering cold…hamstring issue…wife _still_ recovering from hand surgery…so I eased back on the exercise this week so that I wasn’t totally piling on, and entering into next week behind in the body/brain stress balance…life happens…seems I wrote about ‘juggling plates’ at the beginning of this month 🙂

…this convention is one of the few times a year that I actually put on a tie for a few days…and find out whether my indestructible Brooks Brothers Brook Ease convention suit still fits from last year…this suit is _amazing_ you can live in it for a week, and it looks like it just came back from the cleaners every day…you could stuff it into a tight ball into a small zip lock bag, come back in a year, open the bag, and it will spring out as if it were brand new…I always wonder what it’s really made of…some kind of ‘Ironman’ material…

The convention runs through next weekend to the following Tuesday…although the frantically busy days are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  My primary exercise for those 3 days will be walking…and not enough to offset the uptick in party foods, drinks and dinners.

I’ll still be on the west coast Wednesday through Sunday…my wife coming out to join me _after_ the convention…she doesn’t really like being around me when I’m heavily focused on something else other than her…and taking a few days R&R, before another very busy 2-3 weeks following up after the convention.

I’m also hoping that the extra time off from anything hard this week, will have given my tweaked hamstring time to get healed up a bit, and _hopefully_ will decide to behave, without any further annoyance…just knowing that ‘hammies’ can be a _long_ healing process…optimistic, but I’m fatally flawed that way 🙂

So TGIF!…squeezed as much productivity as I could out of the week…very happy with the results…and will take the weekend cleaning up notes, updating databases, creating demos and talking presentations to get up on the web, preparing sign-up forms for new accounts and partners to go out on Monday in preparation for next weekend…and then hit it hard again on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, getting my appointments all confirmed, and the inevitable last-minute requests handled from our marketing partners that will be displaying and presenting our products at the convention…got tired just writing that paragraph.

…so time to throw a few lamb chops on the BBQ, nice glass of wine, give the wife a little attention, get to sleep a bit earlier tonight, and hit it again in the morning

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Blogging is cool…new friends in Spain!

Being the first blog that I’ve _ever_ been involved with, like most projects that I take on, I approach it with zeal…maybe you can tell by the almost daily posts for the past couple of months since we started this…come to find out that most people _usually_ only add a post every once in a while to their blog…go figure 🙂

It’s been a lot of fun…even aside from the research that it’s motivated me to do. I’ve learned a lot about myself writing down my thoughts, and often a post starts with one idea, and just flows through and ends up in a totally different place…an excellent recent example is my post that started acknowledging the death of Jack LaLanne and his death at 96, and ended up with a video of the 20 Minute Workout girls that I enjoyed some 30+ years ago…and did again finding a video on the Internet to put in the post 🙂

…the mind is a weird and wonderful thing…I still have no idea how I got there…but there it was, and that’s how it got posted…although I’ve never kept a journal, I can easily see how it’s a great thing to do.

…and how our blog was recently added as a link to a website in Spain, I have _no_ idea, and would love to know what that trail of discovery was…our ‘stats’ report tells us when our blog is added as a link, so that’s what gave me the heads up.

Turns out the link was to our post with the bike graphic with the parts spelled out in words:

…one of our readers in Spain…in Lleida, in the north-east corner of Spain near Barcelona…added the graphic to their blog, as a way to learn the names of bike parts in English…how creative is that:)

That was just sooo cool, I couldn’t believe it…and they also have a nifty translation button in the upper left side of the page where you can translate their entire site into other languages…English included, so give that a try…I just have to get me one of those 🙂

The philosophical side of a world totally shrunken by technology sounds like some good stuff for future reflection…but for now, the Google auto-translation of our new friend’s post on January 26, 2011:

…the link below goes to the English translated version…their website in its natural form is here or by clicking on our picture today

Today’s Workout:
After Sunday’s bump, now I have less inflamed the coup that I found to fall off the bike (its tone has begun to change to a more yellow color).
I could do a train with plenty of ice on all sides due to the low temperatures we have these days. Some parts of the river were frozen, which I sometimes thought, what am I doing here running while making a freezing cold! (About 0 degrees C, -1 ° C).
At the end I have not even reached the 10km, but I’m happy feeling, because I do not think or get to the 8 km.
…imperfect translation of course…pretty funny…but wow…are you kidding me…from across the ocean…we are not alone in our quests
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So the game is on!

What an occasion, that’s for sure…Iron Daughter’s first blog post of the New Year!…very articulate young woman if I may say 🙂

…didn’t want to move it off the top quite yet with a long post, so I thought let’s say it in pictures…I had 2 in mind…couldn’t decide so here’s both of them 🙂

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Finally something to blog about…

Just like Ironman ’09, I thought I would give Iron Dad a bit of a headstart with the blog (and the training)… build his confidence, and then blow by him.

That’s my memory and I’m sticking to it.

In truth, it’s been a bit of a slow start to the training season. Until today in fact, it’s been a no-start…but the tides are turning and I’m ready to reconnect with my former Iron Self.  While my dad put in another solid training and racing season in 2010, I rode out the glory of an Ironman finish for a lot longer than it probably deserved and am back to fitness start in a lot of ways.  

And also unlike Iron Dad, I have very little insight into the next 285 days. 

Here’s what I do know: 

  • I’m signed up for Ironman Florida on November 5th, 4-days before my 29th birthday (and the last year before I move into one of the most competitive women’s age groups)
  • I’m registered for the Vancouver 1/2 Ironman on July 3rd – a race I have also done before… and am glad to have my dad joining me this year! Time to start your hill training pops 🙂
  • I’m registered for the Vancouver 1/2 Marathon on May 1st – a great short-term goal to help me focus on my running early on in the season (trying to avoid another 7.5 hour IMFL marathon this time around)
  • A new condo purchase means funds are a bit tighter this season – so I’m going without a coach this time around and am looking for more social/group training opportunities which can also fit around a full-time work schedule.
  • Dad is going hard this year, despite some disintigrating joints, so I’m going to have to step up my game if I am even going to dream of keeping up (or at least making that elusive post-race dinner reservation)

I will leave it to Iron Dad to share the latest and greatest on training philosophies and principles (maybe he’s already hidden a training schedule in here for me somewhere…).  With a full-time job, a limited bank account, fewer Ironman finishes, no coach and a much more relaxed attitude towards training (none of these are recommendations) I hope I can connect with those of you who have similar realities, as I figure out how to make it all work.

Whether you have resolved to complete Ironman this year, or to finish your first 5k – it takes a LOT of energy, creativity, relentless determination, guts and support to make it work in the context of your likely already hectic lifestyle. Not to mention all the excuses we choose to put in the way just to make it a bit tougher (I have a big list I’m already working through). 

I have decided that rather than always thinking of my ENORMOUS Ironman goal, I would break it down into smaller, more tangible pieces.  Today – it was digging out my run gear from still un-packed boxes and showing up for the first day of my 1/2 marathon run clinic. Eventually, I will start to consider my bike and swim and bricks and nutrition and schedule and equipment… but today it was lacing up my shoes and running 5k. 

You can’t finish the race without crossing the start line.

Looking forward to sharing our journeys together,


Posted in Achieving Goals, Daughter's Blog Posts | 9 Comments

‘Goddess’ of fate being a little cute

I do like to complete planned training like a metronome…complete and checkoff the workouts as they come up…and have a pretty good track record over years of doing just that.

…my ‘work’ workload has been rather large this past few weeks, and will increase over the next 2 weeks…and I ‘do’ know that ‘life stress’ is as much of a stress factor in my overall stress load, as the physical workouts are…I’ve seen and logged the ‘impact’ of outside-exercise stress on my workouts for years now…so need to adjust accordingly…okay I ‘know’ that…I just sometimes need to be reminded of it…and it appears that my body is doing that, right on cue.

Having tempted the gods of fate only a few days ago…I knew that I was doing it…and will do it again I’m sure 🙂 https://irondaughterirondad.com/the-best-training-weeks-are-quiet-ones/

and they did respond this time…hate when that happens…since then, beyond ‘working at work’ early through late:

  • Thursday, solid bike interval hour, as planned, although Heart Rate was a hair higher than normal for the intensity…made a note in my log to ‘watch it’…one good reason to watch your ‘metrics’
  • Friday: scratchy throat (rest day, so good…and I killed off the optional yoga and/or swim that I had there)…not bad…sort of like is-my-throat-dry-or-is-something-going-on? 
  • Saturday: so waiting for it to declare itself…same thing Saturday morning…so took an easy ride for 30 minutes instead of the intense 75 minute interval/brick
  • Sunday: same thing Sunday morning, so took an easy run…25 minutes in, the left hamstring had what is best described as a ‘spasm’…no pain, but definitely an unnatural ‘flutter’…so walked it back home to stay conservative…hmmm
  • Monday: rest day scheduled, so took it…throat better, but sinuses feeling a bit congested…very light though, like is-that-congestion-or-a-change-in-the-weather
  • Tuesday: a bit more on the congestion thing, but not bad…sort of feels off a bit…so took the day off instead of heavy intervals on the bike schedule

So that’s where I’m at on a Tuesday night…so let’s see what Wednesday brings…hopefully I can just shift things forward a few days and pick it up from there…I do have my BIG convention next weekend, so ideally would be back on track the next few days…burn up the training (get in some good workouts) prior to the convention…and then just focus on work and excessive eating, drinking, and partying for a week…and pick it up again on the backside…that is why ‘we’ do all this isn’t it? 🙂

Oh, BTW, there have been many gods of fate over the centuries…actually ‘goddesses’ as it turns out…the Romans and Greeks were the BIG guys into gods, so let’s start there…

Our picture today is Fortuna the Roman goddess of fate and destiny…her Greek equivalent was Tyche also a girl…Fortuna sounds like a better name for a goddess of fate doesn’t it…at least from our English language perspective, so that’s why I picked her.

So where are the ‘gods’ of fate…well, turns out that fate is controlled by girls…both boys and girls reading this say “yeah so what else is new” 🙂

You have to go pretty deep to even find a marginal guy that controls fate:

  • Egypt had Shai…supposed to be a guy, but often considered female…
  • The Aztacs had Camaxtli, but he was also the god of hunting, war, fate and fire, so a little stretched out
  • The Khoikhoi’s had Gaunab, but he was both fate and death, so like what’s with that…a bit extreme

…so you can see the stretch here to find a guy that controls ‘fate’…upon reflection of course in my own life, it is SO TRUE…girls control fate..huh…ever have a moment when the light-bulb goes on?

…I-will-redouble-my-efforts-to-be-nice-to-girls 🙂

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Jack LaLanne…you are an Ironman!

Sitting down at my desk this morning at 6:30am, in advance of a VERY busy work day, as my computer booted up it presented me with the news that Jack LaLanne had died at the age of 96.

Here was the note on CNN if you didn’t see it, or if you’re not familiar with Jack:
Fitness guru Jack LaLanne dies at 96

Jack was a bit before my time, since a lot of his peak stuff was in the 1950’s through the 80’s…he was born in 1914…and since we’ve been talking about push-ups recently…how about over 1,000 push-ups in a bit over 20 minutes 🙂

More recently, you may know him from selling his ‘Power Juicer’ on late night TV.

Jack had a very full life, was well ahead of his time, introducing fitness to the world decades before it was the ‘in’ thing to do…and inspired millions over his lifetime…Jack LaLanne…you are an Ironman!

Started me thinking that as a younger lad, I had a soft spot for the Jane Fonda workout…I had her video (released in 1982) and her book…it eventually sold over 17 million copies…more than any other home video ever…cool!…and she just released a new version last year, after a 15 year hiatus.

And then lead me to think about the 20 Minute Workout…if you were a guy that watched TV at all in Canada in the early 1980’s, you could not have missed the 20 Minute Workout:

20 Minute Workout was a Canadian-produced aerobics-based television program that ran from 1983 to 1984, in which “a bevy of beautiful girls” demonstrated exercise on a rotating platform.

To my ‘early’ exercise heroes…thank you all for your early inspiration: Jack LaLanne, Jane Fonda and the girls on the 20 Minute Workout…I know that Jack would appreciate this little clip…I know that I can’t help but smile watching it myself…here’s a 10 minute version…go ahead and join in!…full screen by clicking on the symbol in the lower right corner

…dang but those girls are in shape 🙂

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Ironman push-up challenge!

I’m reminded that an Ironman accomplishment can come in many different forms
…one example from an earlier post:

The most recent was my post about a good friend of mine that had 65 push-ups as a goal on his 65th birthday https://irondaughterirondad.com/how-many-push-ups-can-you-do/

…turns out I had a lot of direct commentary about that…and one of them a ‘virtual’ push-up challenge…across International lines…Canada vs USA…a classic match-up.

Rich meet Mike…Mike meet Rich.  Mike is an in-shape, former member of the Canadian Snowboard Team, now lawyer, devoted husband, father…and 32 years old…and _very_ competitive.

During a video call, I mentioned the post, and that I thought Rich was at about 45 push-ups right now…Mike’s impromptu response …like put down his glass of wine to do the push-ups… captured over Skype, over the Internet (full screen if you click the small rectangle in the lower right corner once it starts to play:


Rich responded…not knowing what Mike had done…with:

I gave myself a little test yesterday just to see how far away I am & was able to do 45 push ups (not great form)…pretty sore in the right shoulder today but I’m sure some good stretching will get rid of the tightness.

Current advantage to Mike on raw number of push-ups…by 3…good job both guys!

So let’s look at the age adjustment, and Army standards to put it all in perspective…100th percentile on the Army chart for Mike at age 32 is 75 push-ups…for Rich at age 65, the easy access chart stops at the 52-56 age category with 100th percentile at 56 push-ups…I did find other National Guard and ROTC charts, and the Army Field Manual FM 21-20 does go to age 62+, and lists 100th percentile as 50 push-ups.

100th percentile, simply means that in the Army statistics from millions of tests, that this level is better than 100% of those that they’ve tested…like all…like if there were a couple of people higher than that, it was statistically insignificant…like best that there is…like winning the Ironman World Championships…okay…you get the idea 🙂

Using the 100th percentile as the benchmark, and adjusting for age:

  • Mike at 48 push-ups is at 64th percentile of a 75 target
  • Rich at 45 push-ups is at 80th percentile of a 56 target, and 90th percentile of a 50 target

Age adjusted, Rich’s 65 push-up goal exceeds the very top Army chart significantly: 116% of 56 and 130% of 50

So for Mike to equal Rich’s goal, adjusted for age, means that he would need to do 87 push-ups to be at 116% of 75, or 97.5 to be at 130% of 75.

Dang…these boys are in shape…how many push-ups can you do?…I’m waiting to find a testing day when I want to be totally stiff for a week 🙂

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Yasso 800’s…get faster…simply

I was talking with my son last night…training for his first marathon…cool!

…and one of my Iron Buddies a couple of days ago added a comment to our blog, that after over 25 years of training, she has a Heart Rate monitor for the first time

…I was reminded that there are lots of training programs and ideas that work…that don’t require complex formulas and recording massive amounts of data, and deep analysis.

One of those simple ideas that I was following years ago to get my speed up, as ‘I’ was training for my first marathons, was Yasso 800’s…a rather simple idea developed by Bart Yasso, and widely published…if you Google it, you’ll get lots of details and discussion points that go back over 10 years. 

Click here for one link from Runners World in 2001.

The basic idea is…(I would do them even earlier in the season to see where my speed was at):

One day per week for a few months leading up to a marathon you mix interval training into your weekly run schedule. The intervals should consist of 800 meter runs. If you’re aiming for a 4 hour marathon finish time, then run your 800 meter interval in 4 minutes. Jog for another 4 minutes and then repeat by running another 800 meters in 4 minutes. And if you’re trying to run a 3 hour marathon then do 3 minute 800 meter intervals followed by 3 minutes of jogging, and repeat. Do this until you can do 10 total repetitions in a given workout at your marathon goal pace. After 2 or 3 months of Yasso 800′s along with your typical marathon training schedule you should be prepared to charge the marathon and complete it at your target pace based on the Yasso intervals.

So just simply interval training.  The simple idea that if you want to get faster, you need to train faster…at least some of the time…so let’s call it once a week. 

A lot of reading that I’ve done, says that a little bit of speed work goes a long way.  The classic run training formula for decades has been, in any one week, at least 1 fast, 1 long, 1 easy.  That’s got a lot of people to the finish line in Personal Record (PR) time…and that 4 workouts a week, is much better than 3, and 5 is quite a bit better than 4, and that 6, is better than 5, but diminishing returns.

A lot of the ‘stuff’ that I’ve been writing about…vDOT, Lactate Threshold, Functional Threshold Power (FTP), therefore is largely a refinement on those simple ideas…and a way to be more efficient in my training…therefore get the most benefit, for the least amount of time…and I enjoy the ‘data’ challenge.

It’s the Work that Works of course…not the numbers that you record.

I think that any plan, is better than no plan…exercise with no plan, is working out…working out is better than not working out…having a plan is training…training with a detailed plan leads to a goal…having goals lead to achieving goals.

…alright I’ll stop now

sooo, maybe you just want to run a bit faster…try a few Yasso 800’s and see where you’re at 🙂

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You are my hero!

I’ve just been _JAMMED_ at work this past week…and it becomes even more frantic for the next 2 weeks in advance of an annual convention that I attend every year…we announce/roll-out a lot of new programs at the convention every year, and this year is busier than ever. 

It’s never a good sign when a substantial portion of my To-Do list keeps getting rolled over from one day to the next…and then the next…

My time is usually a lot more flexible, so I’m feeling very cramped to get it all in every day…work commitments with looming/passing deadlines, exercise, providing spousal attention, a bit of sleep, eating…and stuff.

It reminds me that my _real_ heroes are those that fit in a substantial training commitment…like Ironman…geez…with a _real_ full-time job…year-round.

…like my Iron Daughter…and a number of my Iron Buddies.

To all of you…I bow in humble acknowledgment of your remarkable achievement 🙂

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The best training weeks are quiet ones

As I was logging my workout today, I was reminded that the best training weeks for me are the quiet ones…not quiet in terms of workload, but quiet in terms of my training log entry…I know I’m having a good week, if my log entry each day begins with “as planned”…and then a few details, and done…no long descriptions of what went wrong…or why something didn’t happen…but simply hit all the marks…nailed each interval…power or pace exactly where I wanted it…done…day after day…all week long.

As it turns out, I’m quite serious about my training…I schedule it each day, put it on my calendar as an appointment…know exactly what I’m going to do…and execute the plan, as best as the day and body will allow.

I pretty much know what my specific workouts will be for the next 3 months…on each individual day of each week, of each month…adjustable based on how things are going, and stuff that happens, like the tweaked hamstring a week and bit ago…and my final flight schedules for an upcoming convention…although when I have a setback, I only adjust the short-term workouts, looking to get back onto the ‘schedule’ as soon as practical.

Coming into each week however, my workout schedule is set…in my mind, and in my calendar, solid on what I’m going to do each day…and then my task is to execute the plan that week.  I know that I’ll improve as an athlete, if I just hit the marks.

I do find it a challenge, therefore, when a workout isn’t going well, to adjust mid-stream…there’s that tricky balance between pushing past comfort to improve, and pushing too far and breaking something…I’m still learning that, and probably will always be working on it…so I read my own posts often…like this one…to remind me:

My training this week is a quiet one so far.  I like those weeks 🙂

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