You are my hero!

I’ve just been _JAMMED_ at work this past week…and it becomes even more frantic for the next 2 weeks in advance of an annual convention that I attend every year…we announce/roll-out a lot of new programs at the convention every year, and this year is busier than ever. 

It’s never a good sign when a substantial portion of my To-Do list keeps getting rolled over from one day to the next…and then the next…

My time is usually a lot more flexible, so I’m feeling very cramped to get it all in every day…work commitments with looming/passing deadlines, exercise, providing spousal attention, a bit of sleep, eating…and stuff.

It reminds me that my _real_ heroes are those that fit in a substantial training commitment…like Ironman…geez…with a _real_ full-time job…year-round.

…like my Iron Daughter…and a number of my Iron Buddies.

To all of you…I bow in humble acknowledgment of your remarkable achievement 🙂

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