Vancouver Half Iron July 3, 2011

As we develop the season plans, Daughter and I have decided to do a little training race together on her home turf…the Subaru Vancouver Half Ironman on July 3, 2011: 
Swim 1.9KM, (2 laps), Bike 91KM, (4 laps), Run 20KM, (2 laps)

The Subaru Vancouver Triathlon will be staged in the magnificent setting of the Spanish Banks Beaches with stunning views of the downtown Vancouver skyline and the picturesque North Shore Mountains.  This event promises to be the most beautiful urban triathlon you will ever experience!

Payment has been received: Steve Kwiatkowski is Registered for Subaru Vancouver International Half Iron

Always too funny when I read about the ‘magnificent setting’ of a race.  I find that the half iron distance is a hard race…harder than Ironman since you can push it harder.  With my short neck, in the aero position on the bike, I’m only looking 15-20 yards ahead without straining, and through sweat-soaked glasses, I’m definitely not just looking at the scenery in a race.  Into the run, as the pain in the quads begins to grow, and with heaving breath, I’m more focused on preventing a full body cramp, than looking forward to the view at the next ‘overlook’.

I haven’t raced a half iron race since 2007…any race with Daughter…priceless…so I’m going to have to get the lead out of my butt to prepare for this shorter, faster, more intense distance.

I’ll be working on improving speed during the first part of the season, and will probably add another shorter, local race in May…exact dates to be announced, since the local race calendar for 2011 won’t be posted for another few days on December 1.

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