In looking at my training log yesterday, early morning before heading out on the bike, I realized that I had not logged one workout all week long…I did the workouts…over 11 hours worth, I think…I’ll get everything up to date today (Addendum: actually ended up as 12:13, so with last week at 12:35, and the prior week at 15:06, definitely time for a ‘taper’) …so that was good news…just didn’t squeeze in the time to upload my various power and heart-rate files, and add in my usual ‘deep’ analysis of the outings…when I don’t log workouts every day…or even put up _one_ blog post…that’s when I know that I’m _busy_ 🙂
I’m glad that video conferencing is not yet in vogue, since a large portion of my online conference calls this week were done cooling down after workouts, trying not to sweat all over the keyboard….good busy though…
…except for Iron Wife, who has her own knee issue, and doctors appointments/MRI this week, that confirmed a surgical solution early next month, so that’ll be something to look forward to…
…and yes, Vancouver let the Stanley Cup slip away, unable to close out the last game…great season of course…excellent playoff series…and you have to give credit to Boston and especially goalie Tim Thomas…sort of hard to win a game if the goaltender just won’t give up even one goal…and then rioting in the Vancouver streets…well that did at least move the hockey up into the US news headlines, when the general playoff stories in the sports pages had been buried deep
Oh, and yes, there was that face-plant on my run yesterday…well actually more of a hand and knee event…3 hour bike ride, followed by a 1 hour run, and within the first mile of the run left a bit of skin on the sidewalk…some little round landscaping rocks were strewn on the sidewalk, so jogging along, I turned to see if there was any traffic before crossing the road to find smooth pavement, tripped, got one foot down in front before launching forward, landing on my right knee and right hand…ouch…and skidded to a halt.
Standing up slowly to survey the damage, the blood was starting to ooze from the side of my hand, and run down my leg from the knee…rats…too funny is that this was virtually in front of the hospital emergency room sign…
So I used the water bottle that I was carrying to wash out the ‘scrapes’…didn’t look too bad…my right hand felt sore and sprained, but no bones poking out or anything…the knee was wounded…as you can see…but didn’t feel horrible…so I started up again…as I was running along, I was thinking that bleeding was a good thing…natures’ way of flushing out bad stuff…and also that open wounds probably aren’t good in the pool, so this may cost me some swimming time the next few days…and that right hand was feeling a bit stiff, so might be another swim factor…and that the knee seemed to be bleeding less about 3 miles into the run, where I had stopped at a store to top up my depleted water supply, and clean things up a bit…and that it was hot…91F….but finished the hour of running without further incident…so that was good 🙂
So here I am, 2 weeks out before the Half Iron in Vancouver, and looking forward to bringing the workouts down a notch…letting the body heal itself from the last 10 weeks…well 6 months actually…of training…and now the little skin abrasion thing, and right side hip/knee/elbow joints a bit stiff from the stumble and impact…and looking forward to getting out to Calgary at the end of this week, and on to Vancouver next Monday, a week in advance of the race…and hope that my bike actually makes it out with me.
Luckily, wherever there’s an Internet connection and my phone works, I can also ‘work’, so I’ll still be keeping in touch, still keeping up with conference calls, but on a lighter schedule for a couple of weeks….and some more time to get my blog posts up to date 😉
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