Vancouver Half Iron: 6:17:33

So there it is, another race in the books. The last Half Iron distance race (1.2 mile swim, 56 miles bike, 13.1 mile run) that I did was almost 5 years ago, prior to my first Ironman….too funny when I looked it up… 6:17:21 at the South Carolina Half in 2007.

Overall I had an excellent race, and nailed my race plan…not totally perfect…never is…but really, really good…my race plan summary posted a day before the race is here:

I’ll do a followup post with the more detailed numbers analysis, so for today, the race summary…the quick numbers:
Swim:    53:28
T1:          7:38
Bike:      3:05:37
T2:          5:36
Run:       2:05:16
Total:     6:17:33

At 4am looking out the hotel window, the roads were wet with overnight rain…rats…although not raining by the time I got into the car…so good…and as it turns out, never did rain all day, so excellent.

I was at the race venue by 5:15am, my daughter already there…how fun is that to be racing with your daughter 🙂 …and went through the pre-race setup and getting ready.

By 6:15 we were at waters edge for the 6:30 start, water temperature unknown…this is a small, pretty relaxed race…when I asked one of the officials on the beach about the water temperature, his response with a smile was ‘cold’…so I decided to go with my thermal cap under the race cap, a decision that I was immediately happy with when my face hit the water…cold!

The swim is 2 loops, and my race plan was to stay relaxed and easy for the first loop, which I did…barely kicking, next to no pressure on my arms, trying to keep my head in the correct position, and breath.  You can see on the race map, where there’s a little squiggly line for the direction of the ‘current’…turns out, that ‘current’ was very significant, and on the return to the beach on the first loop, it carried me ‘way’ off course to the right…like when I passed the last orange marker buoy coming in my first thought that I was looking at the outgoing bouy…only to realize that it was the inbound one that I was at least 50 yard away from…I didn’t change my stroke though, stayed relaxed, and kept changing direction to offset for the current, and finally landed back at the beach in just over 26 minutes.

Not bad I thought, considering how far off course I was, headed out for lap 2…made a mental note to account for the current…was better, but still got blown off course, and ended up putting more ‘effort’ into my stroke coming in on the last leg to battle back to the course line…out of the water in just over 53:28 minutes I was happy 🙂

The bike course is all hills all the time, 4 loops, featuring a stiff 2 mile uphill.  Maintaining around 210 Watts, on the flat’ish sections, 240’ish on the stiffer uphill, and off the power on the steep downhill once the speed exceeded my gearing at over 35MPH…that steep twisting downhill was a blast 🙂 …and then repeat 4 times.  There was one, small aid station at the beginning of the steep uphill, so I ended up stopping each time to reload water and Gatorade rather than trying to juggle 2 bottles…maybe cost a minute each time for maybe 4 minutes total time.

Legs were strong for the entire ride, nutrition and hydration dialed in, and primarily working to keeping power down to the race plan power on the uphills…I kept leaking up to 270-300 Watts if I didn’t really watch it…so lots of power to spare for the 3:05:37 bike ride…about as close as I could have gotten to my race plan power with my gearing setup…so ‘excellent’.

The run course is 2 loops…mainly a soft surface path through the woods and compacted gravel out towards the Half turnaround.  I felt well hydrated coming off the bike, although for the first few miles, my quads were feeling quite stiff from the ride…I guess a bit too much ‘push’ up some of those hills with my less than ideal gearing…so I stayed to the race plan of an easy first 3 miles to the 5K marker

…my legs were starting to ease up a bit, although by 10K I was starting to feel a bit dehydrated, so stopped at the next aid station to make sure that I got enough to drink, although by 12K, my right hamstring was threatening to cramp, so at the next aid station, took a salt tablet, lots of water, and that eased it up, as I stopped at the next few aid stations to combine the cups of water or Gatorade to make sure that I was getting enough

…by 15K I felt back in balance, made sure that I was drinking enough going in, and rolled along comfortably to the finish with a 2:05:16 run…cool!

On the run a few additional stops to say hello to a couple of my daughters friends that had come out to cheer us on, and then with my daughter who had decided to pack it in early on the run…but lives to race another day.

And the best part of the day…after getting up at 4am, and burning over 5,000 exercise calories over 6 hours, a wonderful dinner at a local steakhouse, with my beautiful daughter…it just doesn’t get any better than that 🙂

Posted in Achieving Goals, Dad's Blog Posts, Racing | Tagged | 6 Comments

Race day tomorrow!: Half Iron Sunday, July 3

So tomorrow morning, all things being equal, my daughter and I will be at the start line at 6:30am Pacific time for the Subaru Vancouver International Triathlon, for a lovely Sunday morning 1.2 mile swim, 56 miles on the bike and a 13.1 mile run…in what is predicted to be a cool day…58F (14C) to start, 62F (17C) at finish…’with a few showers from time to time’, wind 5-10 MPH from the SW.

The website, which is supposed to have live tracking is:
Race Numbers: Daughter: 136 / Dad: 232

Sooo, there it is.  The temperature is perfect for racing…well, maybe just a _hair_warmer would be nice, particularly if it starts raining.

I did get in the ocean this week for a 30 minute swim to try out the temperature…it was definitely ‘brisk’…estimated to be 16-17 C (60-62F)…I’ve found in the past when it gets below 60F, I’ve had congestion/breathing issues…but was fine in the test swim, which was very good…although hands and feet were cold by the end…it’s a warm day in Vancouver today, so hopefully that’ll add a degree or 2…I do have a thermal swim cap, which I may use, although it can be tight with the race cap over it…so we’ll see what they have to say about the water temperature at the race meeting today.

My plan on the swim is a simple one…get through it 🙂

It’s 2 loops, so for the first loop my plan is to go out easy, maintain form, which for me is a focus on keeping arms, and head relaxed, and stay easy…and see where I’m at the beginning of the second loop…the swim cut-off is 1:05, which on a reasonable day I should be well under…all things being equal, the swim should take me 50 minutes or less, so 25 minutes or less per loop.  If I’m at 25 minutes or less for the first loop, I’ll just repeat, take a 50 minute time and get on the bike…if at 30 minutes, I’m running too close to the 1:05 cut-off, so will add in bit more effort…if I’m coughing and congested, unless it’s _really_ bad, I’ll just keep on going.

Coming out of the water, with the air temperature right around 59-60F, this is typically where I just wear a short sleeve bike jersey…with the cold water swim though, I expect to be quite cold, so will probably add on arm-warmers…adds a bit of time to the transition, but should help me warm-up a bit faster…I’ve decided to stay in the same triathlon shorts for the entire race…I typically change into cycling shorts…this will be less comfortable, but with the hills I’ll have the chance to change up positions on the seat, so will save some transition time, and if it’s raining, less to deal with in transition…I’ll probably buy a rain vest today, in case it’s cold and nasty when I get on the bike.

The bike is 4 loops on the same course, featuring a very steep 2 mile hill.  Going uphill is not my strength, since I’m carrying a few more pounds than the classic, perfectly formed triathlete body, and when I get ‘dropped’ on a fast group ride, it’s inevitably going up hills that I’m left behind.  The gearing on my bike is suitable for ‘normal’ hills, but not setup for the very steep stuff, so my cadence going uphill here is going to be a lot lower than my best power range which is right around 90 RPM.  I had considered re-gearing the bike for a couple of hundred dollars to get it setup for this race, but then decided to just ride it with what I have, since I’d then just have to put it back to my current setup again…and there’s the ‘break-in’ of a new gearing setup to get it dialed in.

A little extra challenge on the bike course, is that the single aid station is on the uphill, just so that you get to carry the extra weight of any water that you want to add, up the hill…nice.

My bike plan is to keep around 210-220W for the course…ideally it would be the same power at all times for the entire ride…with the BIG hills, though this will be a challenge both up and down, and I may then allow a bit more power going up, just to get me there, in the 240-250W range…any more, and I risk burning up the legs for the run.

If the roads get wet, those BIG downhills will be a slippery challenge and bleed off a bit of speed to stay upright…my Michelin bike tires are probably up to the task…but I doubt that my head will think that taking long sweeping downhill turns on wet pavement at 40 MPH is rational.

Soooo, on the bike at 210-220 Watts power, on a ‘normal’ dry pavement day, with gentle hills, I _should_ be able to average 19-20 MPH (31-32 KMH), so accounting for the BIG uphill x 4, probably closer to 18 MPH (29 KMH) or less (towards 17 MPH) with slick roads…so let’s call it around 3 hours for the bike: 18 MPH would be 3:07…19 MPH 2:57…17 MPH is 3:18

So with without any mishaps, 50 minutes swimming, around 3 hours on the bike, a couple of transitions totalling 10-15 minutes, I _should_ be out on the run at around 4 hours, or a bit more.

First 3 miles easy, to get my running legs, and then see if I can get to and sustain my target pace of 9:00/mile (5:35/km) for the next 6 miles (10K), and then hang on for the final 4+ miles (7K) at whatever pace I have left.  9:00/mile (5:35/km) = 1:57 for the run, 10:00/mile (6:12/km)= 2:10…so with an easier first 3 miles, the run around 2 hours would be ideal.

So on a great day, I’d be at the finish line just over 6 hours…on a reasonable day, under 6:30, and on a oh-well-at-least-I-finished day, under the cutoff of 8:00 hours…well let’s say under 7:00 hours anyway…if I’m over 7, something went awry somewhere.

Race Day!…how fun!…at least that’s what I’ll tell myself at I get my wakeup call at 4am tomorrow morning

…racing with daughter…priceless 🙂

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Iron Dad’s ‘taper weekend’ 1 week before the race

I’m in Calgary this weekend, 1 week before the Half Iron in Vancouver on July 3, and the last weekend to get in some ‘quality’ workouts, before a heavy taper next week in advance of the race.

Visiting my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter…she’s one year old this weekend…is just great.

The day after arriving, I did get in a good 40 minute run in the neighborhood, accompanied by 2 beautiful young women on the bike pacing me…somehow running around/with girls always brings out my best form 🙂

You can notice the handy water bottle on the bike being carried by my support crew…soooo much better than having 5 pounds of fluids hanging on my hydration belt.

Of course, they know about my training ‘obsession’, so we’ve been able to work my last BIG workouts into this weekend rather seamlessly.

Today was a BIG training day, reminiscent of my BIG training days over the past month…only a ‘taper’ version in respect for the race, only 7 days away now.

The day started early with a bike ride to the airport.

To get my lungs ready for the sea level race, we did some work at altitude in a Cessna 172 with my son flying, on a beautiful day…a Mooney joined us along the way…very cool!

Following the flying, I was able to get in a 30 minute ‘swim’ with my granddaughter during her swimming lesson at the local YMCA.  Although not my usual swim workout, my ‘splashing’ is much improved.

I also learned a number of water games, that if I knew when I was 1 year old, would have totally changed my meager, current swimming ability…and even though I have an off-tune singing voice, that causes people in church to turn around to shush me up, nobody seemed to care in the YMCA kiddie pool today, as a dozen of us, with our tiny, precious treasures, merrily danced and sang and played in the water…too cool 🙂

Next up we headed out on the bikes again…my son is relentlessly enthusiastic

…this weekend we’ve ridden the bikes everywhere

…today was up to a great saloon, reminiscent of the old west for a couple of cold ones with lunch to keep up hydration before heading back to the house, trying out a few twisting roads for pleasure and experience…very cool!

…okay, it was Harley and not my tri bike…it’s a bike right!!!

…tons of cyclists on the roads…for some reason it just looked like they were _really_ working hard today as we cruised by…do I _really_ look like that on my tri bike…geez….

…Harley’s are cool 🙂

And to keep up the high training load, I finished today with a 45 minute local spin, with an extra few wriggling pounds added to the bike, just to push it out to the limits.

A one hour nap today before dinner was a very good idea…I woke up refreshed, and ready for my babysitting evening while the young couple rode off on one of the Harley’s for a party.

…and hence this blog 🙂

So yes, a ‘classic’ taper this weekend might put a bit more intensity and length into the workouts, but there’s a lot to be said for recovering the mind and body from time to time.

…and for me, I’ve accomplished my primary fitness goals when I’m standing at the starting line of a race…because for me it’s primarily about the training…and the ability to maintain a calorie balance under the pressure of my love of great food, fine wines, and creative craft beers…the balance of training and ‘life’ on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis…the triathlete ‘lifestyle’ that I enjoy so much.

So I have a few races on the calendar, to help me focus my training, and help me get out the door every day, every week, when other priorities are pulling, because I have a ‘goal’…the race date…and I want to do ‘well’ of course, but I’m probably the happiest athlete on the beach when the gun goes off to start the race, simply because I’m there.

…and on the way to the race, a weekend with the ‘kids’…and our beautiful granddaughter…priceless 🙂

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Happy Father’s Day!

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What a week…

In looking at my training log yesterday, early morning before heading out on the bike, I realized that I had not logged one workout all week long…I did the workouts…over 11 hours worth, I think…I’ll get everything up to date today (Addendum: actually ended up as 12:13, so with last week at 12:35, and the prior week at 15:06, definitely time for a ‘taper’) …so that was good news…just didn’t squeeze in the time to upload my various power and heart-rate files, and add in my usual ‘deep’ analysis of the outings…when I don’t log workouts every day…or even put up _one_ blog post…that’s when I know that I’m _busy_ 🙂

I’m glad that video conferencing is not yet in vogue, since a large portion of my online conference calls this week were done cooling down after workouts, trying not to sweat all over the keyboard….good busy though…

…except for Iron Wife, who has her own knee issue, and doctors appointments/MRI this week, that confirmed a surgical solution early next month, so that’ll be something to look forward to…

…and yes, Vancouver let the Stanley Cup slip away, unable to close out the last game…great season of course…excellent playoff series…and you have to give credit to Boston and especially goalie Tim Thomas…sort of hard to win a game if the goaltender just won’t give up even one goal…and then rioting in the Vancouver streets…well that did at least move the hockey up into the US news headlines, when the general playoff stories in the sports pages had been buried deep

Oh, and yes, there was that face-plant on my run yesterday…well actually more of a hand and knee event…3 hour bike ride, followed by a 1 hour run, and within the first mile of the run left a bit of skin on the sidewalk…some little round landscaping rocks were strewn on the sidewalk, so jogging along, I turned to see if there was any traffic before crossing the road to find smooth pavement, tripped, got one foot down in front before launching forward, landing on my right knee and right hand…ouch…and skidded to a halt.

Standing up slowly to survey the damage, the blood was starting to ooze from the side of my hand, and run down my leg from the knee…rats…too funny is that this was virtually in front of the hospital emergency room sign…

So I used the water bottle that I was carrying to wash out the ‘scrapes’…didn’t look too bad…my right hand felt sore and sprained, but no bones poking out or anything…the knee was wounded…as you can see…but didn’t feel horrible…so I started up again…as I was running along, I was thinking that bleeding was a good thing…natures’ way of flushing out bad stuff…and also that open wounds probably aren’t good in the pool, so this may cost me some swimming time the next few days…and that right hand was feeling a bit stiff, so might be another swim factor…and that the knee seemed to be bleeding less about 3 miles into the run, where I had stopped at a store to top up my depleted water supply, and clean things up a bit…and that it was hot…91F….but finished the hour of running without further incident…so that was good 🙂

So here I am, 2 weeks out before the Half Iron in Vancouver, and looking forward to bringing the workouts down a notch…letting the body heal itself from the last 10 weeks…well 6 months actually…of training…and now the little skin abrasion thing, and right side hip/knee/elbow joints a bit stiff from the stumble and impact…and looking forward to getting out to Calgary at the end of this week, and on to Vancouver next Monday, a week in advance of the race…and hope that my bike actually makes it out with me.

Luckily, wherever there’s an Internet connection and my phone works, I can also ‘work’, so I’ll still be keeping in touch, still keeping up with conference calls, but on a lighter schedule for a couple of weeks….and some more time to get my blog posts up to date 😉

Posted in Dad's Blog Posts, Injuries, Recovery | 4 Comments

Daughter’s Lifestyle Plate…

Look DadI A blog post!

Dad’s latest blog post about the ‘food plate’ guidelines inspired me to consider my ‘lifestyle plate’ in the last few weeks leading up to the Vancouver 1/2 Ironman.. and to evaluate how much real estate on that plate my training has been given. As you can see by my graphic rendition – it’s not looking good. The only thing getting less attention than training is my blogging – which didn’t even make the scale!

For anyone tuned into NHL hockey; you will know that my Vancouver Canucks are now 1 game away from clinching the Stanley Cup which this city is enormously preoccupied with, including yours truly. This Cup run hasn’t been all that great for not only my training, but has also taken a hit on my wallet and waistline! The good news is we are no more than 4 days away from a historic win for the ‘Nucks, add on a couple of parade and hang-over days.. and I’m back! Just in time for a taper towards the race 🙂

How long do you need to train for a race anyways? I have, what? 22 days! That’s practically a month! Plus I have a 1/2 marathon race under my belt already this season.. and a sprint triathlon, so my transitions are pretty tuned…this should be a piece of cake with a little hard work and focus! Plus, it’s only HALF of the real race, right?

I’m pretty sure the Canucks are being advised by their team psychologists to focus on the present, ignore the past, and play day-by-day, game-by-game… advice I will take for my own training over the next few weeks. I certainly haven’t figured out how to change the past, I can only affect the future.

So onwards and upwards; time to shake it off and focus on the goal ahead. It’s all for fun anyways – so as long as I avoid injury, cross the finish line before they kick me off the course, and can walk unassisted to the car afterwards, I will have won my own Stanley Cup!

Well, kind of.

Go Canucks Go!


Posted in Daughter's Blog Posts, Training, Vancouver Canucks | 1 Comment

look for this tattoo in your next race

If you see this tattoo on the course in your next race, take a good look, since you won’t see it again until the line for pizza after the finish line

…for it is the latest artistic addition of Iron Buddy Anne Boone…you can see the older one below at her ankle…just doesn’t make the same statement does it 🙂

Why do I know that you won’t see it again?

…wellll, Iron Anne, like Iron Dad, prefers a rather relaxed swimming pace…to sort of get warmed up you know…well, maybe we just can’t really swim any faster without redlining our heart rate…not having started as water babies at age 0…like my granddaughter by-the-way 🙂

…and lifeguard-at-an-early-age Iron Daughter

…so at the point that you see this tattoo go by you, you’re not likely to see it again, because Iron Anne is solid on the bike, and even stronger on the run

…so if you see the tattoo go by, call out ‘good job Anne’…and you may get a quick wave, but probably not a look back…as Iron Anne is heading to another age group win

…Female 65-69

…Good Job Anne!…love the tattoo 🙂

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Training back on track: 15 hours this week

With travel over for the moment, and my wife taking a few days away to visit friends, I had a productive work week, and got my training back to where it should be: 15 hours in total this week.

Swimming and bike focus this week, with less running mileage to balance things out…running the past 3 weeks has been around/over 20 miles per week with long runs of 2 hours each week, so time to dial it back a bit

Here’s how it looked, with the time, distance, and key workout:

  • 5 swims (4:30 / 6300 yards) including 1:00+ swim lesson with coach Dinah
  • 5 bike rides (7:15 / 111 miles) Saturday ride was 60 miles, just over 3 hours, with high Intensity for over half of it
  • 3 runs (2:30 / 16 miles): Tuesday run was 7.5 miles with 3 miles of high Intensity intervals
  • 1 yoga (:45)

Saturday was the BIG day (4:30 total time), with a :40 swim, then 3:15 bike, and then :35 run…basically a race simulation, with a shorter run….solid training day

With 4 weeks to go before the Half Iron race in Vancouver, I focused on swimming form this week, and now need to translate that into some real swimming over the next 2 weeks…it’s not going to be enough to have a good swim in the race…but if I get through it comfortably, and have a solid bike and run, I will have accomplished what I wanted to do in the training for this race.

…oh and need to stay healthy and not break something…always the top priority 🙂

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What does your ‘Plate’ look like?

The new USDA ‘Plate’ as reported a few days ago has generated a creative buzz around the Internet, as folks weigh in on what their ideal ‘Plate’ would look like.

CNN even has a Design your ‘MyPlate’ in their iReport section.

…our Southern neighbours ‘Plate” on the right…a lot more fun 🙂

What are y’all putting on your Plate every day…

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New food ‘pyramid’…what???

The United States Department of Agriculture has just released their new Food ‘Pyramid’…well no longer a ‘Pyramid’…a ‘Plate’…a progression from an older view introduced in 1992, to the middle one introduced in 2005, which was supposed to be in wide use by 2010, and the recently released one on the right


In looking at these 3 explanations of what to eat, the only one that makes sense to me at all is the one on the left…the ‘Old’ version…the middle one is bizarre…supposed to promote exercise on top of a jumble of food…and the most recent one on the right takes heavy research on the Internet to make any practical sense of at all

…I guess at least somebody is trying to make a point of eating healthy, but sadly I fear that for the money spent (2 million for the Plate design the Times reports) doing a lousy job…alright, at least it’s better than the middle one…what was somebody thinking in 2005 when they released that one?

The first thing that strikes me is that the new groups are:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • grains
  • dairy
  • protein

Like wow…who dreams up this stuff…obviously protein is an ‘element’ of meat and fish and legumes…the old and intended ‘group’ … so of course protein is not a ‘group’ of foods, but rather an ‘element’ of foods that we also find in vegetables, and dairy and grains…none of which are mentioned in their definition of ‘protein’ when you check it out online…sigh

Seems like something that went from a reasonable idea to an out-in-left-field-totally-irrelevant-to-the-mere-mortal-person idea…

…and any suggestions on calories or portions are vague or non-existant…or confusing…or have broken links…and to me that’s the crux of the diet thing:

  • portion control and
  • less ‘secret sauce’ (high calorie junk elements each day)

…and I just don’t see those 2 elements addressed in a clear, unmistakable message…in fact the opposite…that Plate looks pretty full to me…and not enough detail on the ‘Plate’ to be useful…so an opportunity lost

So I’m thinking that the normal guy could look at his Big Mac…and wondering whether tomatoes are a vegetable or a fruit, maybe add a banana to be safe…should still fit on one plate…covers all the categories 🙂

…and since a push for more fruits and vegetables appears to be a primary focus, the ‘Plate’ folks may say ‘mission accomplished’

…of course that’s just me…and since the Plate is more of an Internet Portal design, than a useful design on its own (not enough detail) if you want to dive in deeper it’s …as I’m reading through it, I can’t help but wonder ‘which lobbyist wrote this paragraph’ though…

…to read a more balanced review, you can read the CNN article, which is kinder and includes quotes from the various authors of the plate idea and why they think it’s clearer

…or just go to and select ‘Nutrition‘ from the categories in the right side column for all you need to know about Ironman nutrition, including a complete commentary on the vegan diet and Ironman 🙂

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swimming can be a killer ab workout

well, I’ve been to the pool every day now for 3 days in a row, and I’m reminded that swimming can be a killer ab workout

…especially now that the local YMCA has opened the lakefront beach, and the outdoor pool that is attracting quite a crowd

…decked out in only my Speedo, I’m finding that sucking my gut in for an hour or so is quite an ab workout in itself

…should have dropped those extra 5 pounds when I had a chance 🙂

Posted in Dad's Blog Posts, Swimming | 2 Comments

summertime and the living is easy

as the heat comes up, I just _love_ being outside…and cooking on the grill…and feeling the HEAT of the sun

…like can’t get enough

…like I ride my bike to the store when it’s 95F out, just to feel the HOT wind there and back for 15 minutes each way

…summertime and the living is easy 🙂

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still ticking

Well, as I predicted a couple of weeks ago, my training schedule has indeed been shredded with travel

My originally planned 13’ish hours a week has become 9-10.5 hours a week…still not not ‘2-3’ hours a week…so that’s good 🙂

My main focus was to maintain the Intensity of run and bike workouts, even if they ended up a bit shorter…and even move up the Intensity in some of the bike workouts to compensate for shorter volume…and I find that travel, and higher-than-normal ‘outside’ stress takes its toll on my ability to recover, so build that in as a factor and cut down my overall training volume anyway.

The main casualty has been the swim training…the most difficult to maintain when travelling to different cities, and with a busy schedule with other ‘stuff’.  I didn’t have much luck with the pool thing…I had a good swim workout on Tuesday May 17, and that was the last one until today…today lasted 35 minutes…it was all I could take…so got out of the water training log note said in part

“heavy as brick in the water today…ugly”

sooooo how did I end up going 11 days without a swim in the middle of a 12 week Half Iron training schedule?…good question.  I had originally thought that I would at least get some drills and form-focused swimming in the hotel pools at my various destinations…but it started in Toronto…I called the hotel in advance, and they said yes, their outdoor pool would be open for the weekend that I was going to be there…turns out that ‘yes’ the pool ‘area’ was open…the pool just didn’t have any water in it.

and coming back from Buffalo business meetings this past Wednesday, storms stepped on the lap schedule of the local YMCA where they close the pool for 30 minutes after each roll of thunder, and a tight work schedule just didn’t leave much room.

sooo, once again we press forward to get the training back on track…as life happens.

My next planned travel is June 23 as I head out west to Calgary and Vancouver in advance of our Half Iron race on July 3.

I just completed week 7 of the 12 week training schedule, and although my quads are still stiff today from my 2 hour run on Thursday and 3 hour bike ride yesterday…closer together than I would have liked, but wanted to get them in this week, so knew that the long run would pull some energy from the long ride…not horrible though…all other senior body parts…although complaining somewhat…are still operational…so good…although feeling a bit worn, so need to watch that I don’t get sick in here somewhere…and need to get those legs recovered before hitting them with more Intensity again…so swim focus this week, hit some Intensity on the run when the legs come back, and see if I can stand on a BIG day by Saturday, with the local YMCA open water swim again in the morning, followed by a hit-it-hard-on-the-bike for 3 hours and a brick run to finish off the day

The remaining 5 weeks of training is really 3 weeks to fine-tune…and pick up the swimming to the degree possible…and then 2 weeks leading into a taper for the race, with travel the weekend before the race…so we’re getting down to the short strokes as it were.

My bike conditioning is in good shape…my run decent…swimming…well…I need to _really_ get in some quality time the next 3 weeks to pull that up to where it should be.

…oh and most importantly, not break something at this point…not a lot of time to come back before the race, so I’ll be leaning a bit conservative if things feel out of kilter…at least that’s the ‘plan de jour’ 🙂

Posted in Achieving Goals, Dad's Blog Posts, Planning, Racing, Recovery | Tagged | 4 Comments

New CP90 at 251W…last record…last week…237W

With my shrunken, time compressed schedule over last week and this, I’ve reverted to shortening the bike workouts and moving up the Intensity.

Last week when the New York trip jumped into the schedule, I did a 2 hour ride, kicked up the Intensity and established a new all-time high average power for 90 minutes of 237 Watts (W)…without maximal effort.

So with a very cramped week this week, and another trip looming on Friday, I thought that I would just do that ride again and see how it turns out…it was a bit cooler…although my legs/body still felt a bit worn from the weekend of New York debauchery

…considered taking the day off and catching a nap instead 🙂

Although I wasn’t able to really push BIG power, I ended up re-setting another new CP90…so another all-time record for high average power over 90 minutes…of 251 Watts!

The cooler weather helped:

  • this week on 251W power, an average Heart Rate (HR) of only 138HR…max 147HR
  • vs. last week on only 237W power, 142HR average…max 152HR.

I’m a pretty analytical guy…so there are only 5 explanations that I can think of:

  1. my Powertap wheel is tanking, and getting progressively worse, so dishing out higher and higher readings
  2. or I’ve been hit by gamma rays from the Japanese nuclear disaster…à la the Incredible Hulk
  3. or bitten by a radioactive spider…à la Spiderman
  4. or there’s an undisclosed radiation leak from the nuclear reactor within 10 miles of the house
  5. or I’m actually getting stronger

So to narrow it down:

I’ll let you know how it turns out…if the radiation thing pans out I guess I’ll need a name and a costume…maybe ‘Iron Dad’ and a powder blue leisure suit…okay, that may take some thought…

…wouldn’t it be cool if it’s simply that my training program is working the way that it should 🙂

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Training schedule shredded with travel

A last-minute impromptu trip to New York this past weekend…American Airlines and their last-minute non-stop fare sale of $69.00…dang…just daring me not to

…so with the flight reservation window open on the computer, waiting for the final ‘Submit’, I checked Hotwire and then Priceline, and…dang…hooked a great deal on a hotel…so pulled the trigger on the flight and off to New York we went

…my wife delighted of course

…so a bit scrambly the past few days…work stuff moved aside…workouts shrunken, and reset to different days…Intensity and Volume reset for the end of last week, through the weekend and now into this week…and with another trip coming up this weekend, through next Tuesday, the feng shui of my carefully crafted workout schedule gets tossed in the shredder…at least for 2 weeks…as I work to squeeze 13-14 hours a week of training into too-few-hours-left-to-do-it

…not going to happen

When travelling, I find that there’s only one workout that I can hit with consistency…running:

…running shoes on…out the door…run…back…done

Biking, _maybe_…at least a bit on a stationary bike if it’s a good spinning class version…rare…or rental bike, but BIG time overhead to actually get that done, so I move BIG bike training before and after the travel schedule

…and swimming…_not_…well _maybe_ a few drills in the hotel pool, if:

  • it’s open,
  • and more than 10 feet long,
  • and not filled with kids wearing water diapers…no way that those things work… 
    • …I do go through the brain damage of finding a pool in advance with a lap swimming schedule that _might_ fit my travel/meeting/eating/drinking/napping/down-time schedule…but rarely ever actually get there.

So last week, when I booked our tickets to New York late on Wednesday…with a Saturday departure…this blew up my normal long Saturday bike ride…so I moved my 3-4 hour bike ride from Saturday to Friday, cut it back to 2 hours in a busy work day, and figured that with 2-3 light days coming up, I could stand a bit more intensity in a shorter workout…also wanted to erase that old all-time CP90 (my maximum power for 90 minutes) @ 226W (Watts) from 2008 (214W in 2011, 207W in 2010, 218W in 2009) since Coach Gale is dinging me about the power numbers in the longer time frames…of course the plan has been first Fast then Long…so the time has come

…so since it was also hot and very humid, and I knew that HR would be high for effort, thought that I’d try out the Coggan 88-94% ‘sweet spot’ for 90 minutes to see how it turned out, and ended up with a new CP90 @ 237W, (88% of FTP)…142 HR avg., sub maximal effort in what would be a Z3-4 power zone

So that was cool…not even all out, but a bike fitness level that’s higher than it’s ever been…

…and humming along at a 20.6 MPH average…including a few short turnaround rolls…on the hilly Shearers route for 90 minutes…nice

…I remember as a young lad on my old Bianchi that I always wanted to be able to average 20 MPH for an hour…never quite got there…I guess that’s why that 20 MPH thing, is just stuck in my head 🙂

So my exercise in New York consisted of:

  • Saturday: walking in airport…flight to New York, and ‘nap’ prior to a terrific dinner
  • Sunday: ‘lie-in’, late breakfast and romantic walk with my wife in Central Park in a light rain…click for the BIG picture 
    • …follow-up 7 mile run in the park where I noted in my log that I felt ‘fat and heavy’…presumably a leftover from Saturday night dinner
    • yoga for 30 minutes back at the room with my online yoga…’Just One Dance’ with Clara…always a smile
    • and ‘nap’ prior to delightful evening of drinks then dinner with great friends
  • Monday work for a few hours in the morning…walking in the airport…then flight back

…so a tight work week, with my next flight on Friday, a weekend in Toronto…business meetings in Buffalo on Monday and Tuesday with associated evening dinner and activities

…and back at it next Wednesday

…and hopefully a quieter 4 weeks, prior to travel to the west coast for the Vancouver Half Iron on July 3rd.

So the way that it looks now:

  • bike is solid
  • run is good to very good
  • swimming is shaky to very shaky

I’ll need a good 4 weeks of swimming focus prior to the race to pull things together…no worries 🙂

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