from zero to swimming every day

Well, I do tend to do things with passion…and bringing my swimming back up to speed will be one of them…like last night in the pool for the first time in 3 months…

Of course sitting here in the Dominican Republic with a forecast over the coming week of mid-80’s F, on a beautiful morning beside the pool…and yes, that’s an actual picture 🙂 …with a nice breeze, having a coffee before anyone else gets up…and contemplating a swim is a lot easier than the normal pool routine of…

  • checking the pool schedule for lap swimming times
  • trying to figure out when the best time might be to actually get a lane by myself
  • managing my day around the schedule
  • finding and getting my swim stuff ready
  • driving or biking over to the pool…10-25 minutes depending on whether it’s for a local swim, or lesson at another pool
  • changing
  • having a shower before swimming
  • swimming
  • repeat in reverse

…swimming just has a _lot_ ot time overhead, and one of the BIG reasons that the Endurance Nation folks recommend no swimming during the Out Season…devote the time to biking and running and ‘Spousal Approval Units’ to be cashed in later when the training time _really_ ramps up 

…ah, but the ‘season’ is just around the corner for me now…race training focus beginning the week of April 11, as I ramp up for the Vancouver Half Iron

…that pool does look so inviting…maybe a quick morning swim before breakfast, and then down to the ocean later

now if only this were swimming reality every day…

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