Here are a few tips on using this site, and some of the features
- Please comment :)…on every blog entry, you’ll see a Leave a Comment link…we’re _very_ interested in your feedback, thoughts and commentary…click on this, enter your name like Frank Jones, or a short form like FJ, or a web name that you use like BigGuy, and your email address and add your comment…the ‘name’ will show with your comment, but not your email address…if you add your website, that will link from your name. On Pages, Leave a Reply…either to the original article, or to another comment that may be up there. For now we have it setup that one of us needs to ‘approve’ the comment, which means that we’re notified of it, and if it’s not spam of some type, click on accept, and it’s posted….we’ll probably remove the moderation feature in the future when we see how it’s going.
 - You can set up an RSS feed from the site that will send you new Entries or new Comments whenever they are posted. This ensures that you are always up to date without having to check the website constantly. The links are at the bottom of the page, called Entries RSS and Comments RSS…if you click on them it will give you instructions on what to do…real easy.
 - New ‘Blog’ entries are on the Home page, the first one that you come to. The most recent one is on the top. These typically deal with things that are coming up in the life Dad and Daughter as we prepare for Ironman Florida in 2011…and there’ll generally be something new every day or two.
 - The ‘Pages’ of the Blog are more static…they’ll be updated from time to time, but are primarily for reference material, or things that we’ll refer back to. They are accessed from the black toolbar just below the header at the top of the page.
 - Down the right side of the page, are additional resources, that are pretty self-explanatory…some change automatically, like updated pages, and others are more static, like links..overall just things that make it easy to find something that you may be interested in.
 - Or just ‘Search’ for a term in the Search box at the top of the right side column.
 - There’s also a calendar at the bottom of the page that shows dates when something was posted.
Oh, and although it’s probably obvious:
The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical or expert advice. Undertaking a training program may involve risk of injury or physical harm, and it is your responsibility to determine which training activities are appropriate for you. Please check with your doctor and/or a qualified coach for any specific medical or expert advice.