Happy 1st Anniversary for irondaughterirondad.com :)

On November 10, 2010, I added our first post to this blog: https://irondaughterirondad.com/hello-world/

…and with my 5th Ironman completed, I find myself circling back to those posts last November, as I adjusted my focus away from training, and onto the relentless struggle to get ‘calories in’ under control…without the huge ‘calories out’ exercise burn every week.

For those interested in the numbers side of things on our anniversary date, for the 31 days last month (October 2011) 5,031 ‘distinct hosts’ were served by our blog site, and they looked at 40,511 pages…this means individual, distinct computers (5,031 visitors in ‘lay’ terms) that logged onto the site 1 or more times (so they weren’t counted again if they logged on more than once in the month…sort of typically seeing 4-500 unique visitors per day)…the numbers in ( ) are for the last day/last week of the month depending on the item.

…impossible to know the minutia about our vistors…but we do know that many were regular readers based on multiple visits per month…others came by for information from a ‘search’ for something, or followed a link from another site, or article on another site that referenced information that we had posted, or someone sent them a specific link to a specific article…some there just one time from a Google search for pictures…all of it very interesting 🙂

…a special thank-you to those of you that took the time to add comments over this past year, or email me directly with your thoughts and commentary…always fun to have an exchange with motivated and interesting people

…so at this point we’ll look for a direction for the blog, and our Ironman ambitions…I’m signed up for Ironman Florida 2012…not really sure what I want to do with that yet…and IronDaughter is still mapping out her racing schedule…sounds like some speedier stuff in her future for 2012

My Ironman Florida 2011 Race Report is coming up shortly…and in the meantime…since the scale has beckoned to me in the corner…I know that it’s going to be an ugly number when I stand on it…I’m going back to read my own advice on calorie control and diet from last November (click on the November 2010 link in the right side column for links to the posts)

…so handy to have it already written out for myself this year 🙂


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